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  1. the management company dissolved without changing tenancy agreement s8 issued but being defended but the agreement is still in name of dissolved company struck of involuntary will this make s8 invalid and ltd company would have to re instate to claim any arrears
  2. Could you please clarify that you are stating the letting agent used by the landlord is now dissolved? (if something else please clarify?) yes agent dissolved in 2010 we was not notified in 2013 of new agency same people Who is the Letting Agent? sooner not say will try and upload some docs
  3. but landlord has not signed any court papers on the dissolved agent the agent has already had a s21 struck out as the judge said he does not have a tenancy agreement with tenant does that mean that the landlord/owner now has to issue court proceedings
  4. hi i have a question for you all will try to make it simple your advice will be much appreciated i have a tenancy agreement signed on the back page by owner/ landlord on the first page it has the name let's say arthur biggs of renttoday ltd not signed accelerated process procedure applied for but agent arthur biggs has signed all court papers not the landlord/ owner will this make the order invalid many thanks also the ltd company mentioned on the agreement dissolved compulsory strike off several years ago companies house
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