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Everything posted by inapickle24

  1. Hiya all! So over two months down the line and repayment plans have been successfully set up with all three companies. Which i have now paid two standing order payments for. The only problem i have is with Wonga. They are continually phoning me, several times a day. It is usually the automated system asking me press one to confirm who i am then tells me to make full payment. I also get texts and emails demanding full payment. Normally is a 0330 number or a London code. Various different numbers. Has on two occasions been a mobile number which was a person demanding me to repay in full. I appreciate they want their money. But i have made a repayment plan and stuck to it. I have rung Wonga twice, the first time the man confirmed my payments were being received and he said he had set my account to email contact only with no texts or calls. They calls continued. Sometimes 4-5 a day which i know is not horrific but its embarrassing when im with friends or family or with my kids. And im not sure what Wonga hope to achieve, calling me multiple times a day wont create the money i need to repay them in full immediately!! Two days ago i rang Wonga again to ask why i am being phoned still. The lady i spoke too said it wasnt Wonga as there was no record of the calls on the system so they hadnt rung me. It is Wonga. They say they are from Wonga, they have my phone number, its one of their known numbers showing when i search the numbers on google. They have my name etc and are bizzarely enough able to confirm how much i owe to the exact penny. But the lady said it definitely wasnt Wonga. Any advice on how to deal with them? If im going to get calls every day then i almay as well not pay as when i do i still get the calls! Thanks:)
  2. Hi all, Just to update really... Wonga answered my email within 24hrs but insisted i call them as they wouldnt discuss anything via email. I did call and they agreed to hold the account for 38 days with no collections or debt or interest being added. In the meantime however did take the full amount from my debit card using a slightly different name to what i had listed to my bank. So a visa dispute went through for that, i was reimbursed by my bank the same day and iv heard nothing more. Sunny answered my email within 24hrs and froze account for 30 days. They said within that 30 days when im ready, give them a call to do an I & E assessment to establish repayment plan. Both have said they will register missed payment immediately with agencies and i may receive default letter straight away. The Money Shop have now completely ignored two emails. I am reluctant to ring as then i have no proof of whats been agreed. I cancelled the CPA with my bank for them but they trade under several names. When i tried to tell my bank that they said they cant cancel it until its gone out under the different name. So not sure what that means for me. At moment im keeping my balance as close to zero as possible in bank so there is nothing to take. I guess Money Shop will contact me when they want the money?!? Positive experiences of Wonga and Sunny so far though. Thanks for your replies and advise:)
  3. Wow lets hope other PDL companies learn from this one. Thank you for your advice and help i shall speak to the companies concerned in the coming week, well email them to keep it in writing. Hopefully i can post back with a positive response from them in case it can help others. First and last experince of dealing with PDL. All previous creditors have been high street lenders. Thanks again.
  4. I havent yet no. So you think speaking to them seperately and offering a monthly amount directly is the best option an keep the DMP seperate? Do these PDL companies usually abide by the rules of treating fairly in your experience?
  5. Hi has anyone else been in this situation and has any advice? Thank you
  6. Hi thanks for replying. Sure it is Sunny, Wonga, Money Shop. As it stands Sunny are up to date until end of September, this is on payments over a six month term so ending december. Money shop the first payment is due sept, and that was for 3 months (don't know why it was for so much longer till first payment). Wonga I am due to short pay next week for the first time. So as it stands I am officially ok this present time. But if I pay Wonga in full next week then I would need another loan to repay the next one due etc etc etc. And now I don't know when some of my usual income will be coming in next. I have as of yet not spoken to my DMP nor any of the PDL companies. I will be paying a partial payment to Wonga next week. I have cancelled the CPA with my bank for all three companies.
  7. Hi there all, No idea if iv posted in right place but im new. Background history - Owe £17500 over 10 creditors which I started an IVA for with DFD in 2013. Payments were minimum possible and the IVA failed within the year. Was informed by CAB/ND I had been given really bad advice from DFD and wasn't the right option. Began a DMP with a non fee paying organisation two years ago for all 10 creditors. Two have gone AWOL and have bounced back payments to DMP and had no contact. Have been advised they will contact me when they want their money so to just wait. Other 8 creditors are being paid their share of a low payment every month. Some remain with OC, some passed to DCA. All charges and interest frozen now, all communication goes through DMP, I get statements from time to time and that's it. So got into a pickle in June this year whereby my car failed MOT, massive bill which exceeded any emergency funds greatly. Unable to borrow from anywhere else I got a payday loan. Paid back no probs end of june. Obviously as this left me hundreds short I borrowed another one in July and paid that back and another in August. Due to pay back next week for one and other end of sept start. There is 3 loans altogether. Initial amounts borrowed £300, £550, £700. I need to go back slightly, after dragging my old banger through the MOT, the head gasket blew two weeks ago. Just two months after shelling out loads of money. Got a quote to have fixed and it was £1000 best case scenario. The car isn't worth it, and would of meant yet another payday loan so I have cut my losses and the car has been scrapped. To top all this off my ex decided in July this year he would start messing around with the maintenance paid via CSA and short pay. They are currently reassessing the payments so don't know what to expect or when to expect it. I am unable to go to work at present (work community based and car essential). I have put in a claim with DWP for benefits as I have a child under the age of five and am a lone parent. So can claim income support. I cant get a car on loan as poor credit history. And I need to get out of this ridiculous borrowing trap. I wish I had not bothered to fix the car initially, and just scrapped it then. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I am aware DMP will likely kick me off as I guess taking out the loans are classed as breaking the agreement. I agree that it was a bad thing. I was trying to do anything to stay in work! I am a single parent with two kids. But whats happened has happened. The only slightly good thing is that I have £90 additional surplus income now a month, which after taking out busfare etc then its what im not paying out for having a car. What would your advise be? To carry on paying DMP and not upset the cart with those creditors and split the £90 a month between the three payday companies? Or ring DMP and ask them if they are prepared to take on the payday loans and advise I have extra a month now? There is already seven defaults on my credit report, so im not concerned with the PDL places adding any. I was amazed they lent me any money after seeing the defaults. Two did credit searches which show up, the other one didn't. Bankruptcy is not an option as I rent and my landlord is likely to ask me to leave. IVA was not suitable. DRO, I have more than £50 a month surplus. I am happy to plod on with the DMP for the next 10-12yr. Its my debt, I want to repay it. Just wanted to see what your advice was on dealing with the PDL companies. Im expecting a lot of trouble from them and hassle but I literally cannot pay what I don't have. In your experiences will they accept £30 a month each on the above balances and help or am I facing court action? Thanks in advance : )
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