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Everything posted by PJ72

  1. Hi Thanks for your advice steampowered, I'll look into the things you have suggested. My main concern is getting my money back which is apparently happening (cheque in the post) after that I'll be complaining and trying ensuring it can't happen again. I've a visit to my MP lined up for later in the week to discuss the issue.
  2. Hi Thanks for your replies. I've checked clearscore which has nothing showing at present. Andy as I consider the consequences further I agree that data protection is the biggest concern (once I'm over the initial anger at their incompetence) and would welcome suggestions on any action I can take to prevent identity theft.
  3. My pay this month has had a few hundred pounds removed by an attachment of earnings. In short this has been paid to a government collection agency who wrongly applied my NI number to one of their files. They offer no explanation why this happened and it took them less than a minute to look into it and realise I have been based in Manchester for many years while the person they want (we have the same name) is London based and that they should return my money. Having considered the situation I have the following complaints and concerns. They were negligent in their actions, very little effort was required to realise the person they wanted and my NI number don't belong together, surely they should be held accountable. As I didn't receive anything in writing I'm assuming the person who owes the money did, including my NI number, so there is a data protection breach. Depending how long it takes to return the money I could suffer financial hardship and I have already suffered from stress due to their negligence (the first time I called them they hung up as I couldn't pass security despite me trying to explain my situation). My employers will not be happy I have had an attachment of earnings and this will probably go on my credit file. I would like to take some action to be compensated for the time lost dealing with this but more importantly to ensure this can't happen again, does anyone know if this is possible?
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