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Everything posted by eric30

  1. This makes me feel a lot better! I always knew I should only use my credit card online, it might actually pay off this time. I'll keep trying to resolve with Samsung, but it's good to know about section 75 if I'm unable to resolve the problem.
  2. Can anyone help? I don't know what to do. I ordered a new TV on 16th April, for delivery on Saturday 23rd April. I was in all day, refreshing the tracking and looking out for the driver. I got a notification saying 'Sorry we missed you'. I was frustrated with this as I was actively looking out for this delivery. The photo the driver "Shah" took was of a brick wall, my property is white, it wasn't even my property! The tracking then said it would be delivered on Sunday 24th April. Then the same thing happened but this time the driver "Tomas" took a black photo covering the camera. I phoned DPD and they called the driver, who gave a poor excuse. I was told this would be escalated to the local depot manager. I called DPD and Samsung multiple times, spending hours on the phone trying to get this TV delivered. The local DPD depot manager called and after a long conversation I was basically told "despite the drivers being in the wrong there's nothing she can do" apart from putting in a complaint. I was promised multiple times by Samsung it would be delivered after 5 during the week (as I work during the week and wouldn't be home). Twice during the week, DPD sent me a timeslots saying 'it will be delivered during 1pm-2pm'. After many more calls to Samsung, DPD delivered my TV on Saturday 30th April, a week late. When it arrived, the box was pretty beaten up. Clearly this must because of the amount of vans the TV had been loaded on and off during the week. The TV looked fine but it wasn't until I turned on the TV and watched it I noticed the screen didn't look right, it looked cloudy when it was dark scenes. I then noticed a crack in the corner of the TV frame. Looking at the box again, it was clear it had been dropped on the top corner of the box as this was the same place as the crack. Samsung told me they will collect and replace it (but not until they have checked the damage...). I was told they will only collect Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. The person I spoke to was not listening to a word I was saying, and proceeded to book a collection tomorrow (Wed 4 May) and would "request after 5" and "I will be contacted" but after my experience of trying to get DPD to deliver after 5, I know for a fact they will not collect after 5. I got an email from DPD saying they will be with me tomorrow between 9 and 5, I will be at work so . I called again today (45 minutes of my life wasted) as I've still not been contacted regarding collection after 5. Needless to say, they were not helpful. He is going to "follow this up" and contact me via email with an update, he also informed me that the department is currently handing a "large number of tickets". The DPD collection is still apparently booked for tomorrow... I told them that I am only available after 5 during the working week or weekend, but again fell on deaf ears. I am getting incredibly frustrated and I don't know what to do. DPD has caused this problem with their poor service, and Samsung need to fix this but I can't get past their call centre. I have logged so many complaints now and never hear anything back. All I want is: DPD to collect this TV at my convenience and Samsing to send me a working TV, is this too much to ask? Can anyone suggest what I can do? Thanks
  3. Well that was easy. Before I could tell her about the advice posted above, My mother contacted Lidl, they told her to email the parking company with a screen shot of her statement to show she had been there. She did that and the parking company cancelled the ticket straight away.
  4. Hello, My mother has just called me saying she has received a letter from Athena ANPR Ltd for overstaying 21 minutes at a Lidl store in Melton Mowbray. She did her shopping there, however, she paid cash and didn't keep any receipts from her shop. What would be the best course of action? Appeal to the parking company? Contact Lidl? Details below: 1 Date of the infringement 17/01/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 19/01/18 3 Date received 22/01/18 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? On the ANPR camera. 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No 7 Who is the parking company? Athena ANPR 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lidl Store in Melton Mowbray. does it say which appeals body they operate under. Yes - IAS Thank you for your help
  5. Thank you for your replies. I realised that I forgot to say that they put after requesting the driver details that if I fail to provide the details they will issue court proceedings. Does this mean that this is or is not a letter before claim??? I think I'm safe to ignore this letter. I will update when another letter is sent. Thank you
  6. Hello, BW Legal have responded to my letter. They presume I was the drive as details of the driver have not been given. They refer to Elliott v Loake 1982. (I believe they can't presume I was the driver...) They do not intend to rely on POFA 2012 (Which I believe is irrelevant as this 'PCN' was issued before POFA) They want the details of the driver or for me to pay within 7 days. (Which I will not) Shall I ignore this? Shall I respond? Shall I request to be removed from their database as I am not liable for this charge, under the Data Protection Act? Thank you
  7. Thank you for the advise. I will follow ericsbrother's advise update this thread of any further responses. Thank you
  8. Hello, I have done some research on this forum (and others) and haven't found anyone in a similar situation. I have received a letter from BW Legal demanding payment of £174.00 for their client, Vehicle Control Services Limited, for a Parking Charge Notice (PCN). This 'PCN' was given as the car was 'Parked beyond the bay markings'. The letter has the standard 'fear' language such as 'if not paid we will commence legal proceedings' and 'If we gain a CCJ this will have a detrimental effect on your future creditworthiness and employability'. This letter is also signed 'BW Legal' rather than with an actual name, which I find odd. This was a free car park in Sheffield for Valley Centretainment customers (Which we were). We went to the cinema and restaurant there but parked on the end of a row of cars, which wasn't marked as a parking bay. There was no signage that clearly stated that cars must be parked in the bays and as it was a free car park for customers I refused to accept the charge. Back when the original letters were sent, I followed online recommendations to simply ignore the demands, and after several 'final notices' I heard nothing from them until now. The PCN was issued early 2012 (I've read on other threads that it is pre PoFA, but I don't fully know what that means). Doing some research now it seems that it might not be the best idea to continue ignoring these letters, however I don't want to respond to them after such a long time as it might trigger them to harass me or to 'continue with legal proceedings'. I would ask if anyone could suggest if I should respond, what response to give and the best way to respond (I presume all written/mailed rather than email). They have demanded I pay within 16 days of the date of the letter, which was a few days before I even received the letter, or they will carry out with proceedings with the County Court Claim. Thank you for reading my post and I appreciate any help/suggestions given.
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