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  1. Thanks for replies. I moved out of the property as I was getting no where with anyone. I'm just gutted as I got into debt a while back after being made redundant and although Anglian water knew this they did nothing to help. I applied for their assisted fund but was turned down. I took on the worst job ever and worked every hour I could to pay off all my debts. I finally managed to pay all my credit debts and had slowly built my credit score up to excellent. Now I'm back to square one and have a poor credit record. Just gutted! Never missed one payment from their payment plan. Mum has offered to pay off the amount for me, but if I do pay it off do I have to wait another 6 years for it to drop off my file?
  2. Hi all I'm new here, so apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place. I have a problem with Anglian water, which I could really do with some help on. I got into debt with them through no fault of my own. I moved into a property where the landlord asked me to put the water into my name. The property I moved into had had an extension built on which was converted into a flat. I called Anglian water and gave them a water reading. Imagine my suprise when 6 months later I received a large bill which was not only for my property but for the flat next door as well. I called Anglian water and they advised me both properties were run from the same Meter, therefore whatever water next door were using was being charged to me. I contacted the landlord who was a complete arse and refused to acknowledge or do anything. Anglian water said I was liable for any future debt by the other tenants and although they admitted what was happening to me was crap could do nothing to help. I couldn't afford to move at the time so was stuck in a really bad situation. Eventually I borrowed money to move as my water bill was just getting bigger and bigger as the other tenants were just wasting water. I agreed a payment plan with Anglian water which I have kept up to date with. However upon checking my credit file Anglian water have now marked it with a late payment. I had a really squeaky clean record as I pay everything else on time and now my credit rating has changed to poor. I owe £925 even though most if this was from the other tenants. Anglian water has also changed the date the debt us from making it sooner than it was. Every month it's showing as a late payment of 6 months. Is there anything I can do as this has severely impacted my credit score even though all my other accounts are up to date. Just annoyed as I have never missed a payment from the payment plan I set up. Many thanks in advance.
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