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  1. Fair point dx, presuming that I didn't reply with the short response in that time I will only receive another letter sooner!
  2. The timeframe is on the letter from BW such as that I failed to make a payment 28 days from the speculative invoice the balance due remains outstanding and they require full payment within 16 days from the date of the letter!
  3. Ok so to clarify I have 16 days from the date of the first BW letter to send in the short reply wording as above from Eric's brother?
  4. Thanks Eric's brother, forgive the ignorance what is VEX?
  5. Thanks Dx my computer is playing up somewhat today!
  6. Hi guys, received the BW legal letter with the £154 fee on it today after 4 years. Thought Excel had gone away after ignoring Roxborough and co for nigh on eight months at the time. Anyone on here been sent to county court etc and how many letters and changes to the cost do we start to get? I recall having received about 5 from Roxborough! It was me that was driving the car but it is registered to my partner.
  7. Is anyone aware of BW actually going to the county courts and winning? Also how many letters will I be looking at receiving before I get a county court claim form? Mine dates back to July 2012!
  8. Looks like there sending a few out from way back I received one today from July 2012. Stevie W keeper liability I think is , the alleged event took place before the enactment of The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. Thus, the client has no right to pursue me as the registered keeper.
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