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Everything posted by penny1

  1. Hi Dacouc Your right this may give me the opportunity to get more clarity on my claim overall along with a timeframe as I just really want to get it back on the market or preferably sell it, as this has been a nightmare and I would not like to go through something like this ever again .I am glad to here your view of loss adjusters as it can be worry, as the perception on forums seems to be quite negitive. I would like to thank you for your input and great advice. I will post an update in the meantime its off to the pound shop I go:-D Many many thanks
  2. Hi dacouc Endsleigh are the LA who commissioned the Loss adjusters. But now Axa have called to say they are the underwriters and because the claim was over £25,000 pounds they are sending a new loss adjuster called from a new company Crawfords who are a different firm from the original adjuster's by Endsleigh. The thing is the orignal loss adjuster made it clear from the onset that the costs may run over the £25000 so I am not sure why they now have to get a new company to start the process again. thanks
  3. Thank you for the valuble advice neither the loss adjuster or Endsleigh pointed out that I could claim for any loss of rent. I was just advised to forward the locksmiths invoice and Endsleigh wouldn't really provide me with any information and just told me to get in touch with the loss adjuster and he rarely responded to my emails. Thank you I will call them in the morning to investigate claiming for loss of rent. I wondered if I could claim for loss of rent to be kicked in while I am still waiting for them to sort out the actual orignal claim Thank you
  4. Hi dacouc I have gone through back over the policy and see there is a section for loss of rent. Would this mean I can claim for the rent now or would this be to late now . Thank you for responding
  5. Hi unclebulgaria67 . I had queried the £25,000 limit but was told the claim came under malicious damage and that was the limit, which I did originally see in the policy. I will send a request for the Data Protection Subject access and see if Axa can tell me how much longer things will be delayed .Thank you for your advice and taking the time to respond.
  6. Hello, this is my first post on the site and I hope someone can help. I had to take my tenants to court in order for them to leave my property. They caused extensive damage to my new build property - removing boiler, radiator's all the built in goods and smashing through walls. The Police have arrested the ex-tenants due to the extent of the damage and the matter is still pending - although the Police have informed me they are not hopeful of prosecution I submitted a claim in April on my Landlords insurance building cover through Endsleigh. A few days after Endsleigh’s loss adjuster visited and carried out an assessment of the property. He stated that the damage was extensive and that the policy would only cover to the value of £25,000 and that I would have to cover the rest. Over the last couple of months I have been emailing and calling the insurance company chasing up the claim. Endsleigh say they are waiting on the loss adjuster and the loss adjuster says its the contractor company. The contractor says its the loss adjuster. I complained a couple of weeks ago and the loss adjuster contacted me and said everything was now submitted and it would be sorted shortly. He also informed me the costs were over the cover level of £25,000 (but would not tell me the amount) and I would have to cover the rest. I was relived as it was finally getting sorted. The rental of the property is a source of income for me (I am retired), having to find the costs for service charges & council tax etc is having a impact on my finances the longer it takes to sort to out and I cannot recoup these charges. Now to my surprise, today I received a message informing me that AXA will be sending out a loss adjuster from a Crawfords. I am informed Axa are the underwriters and they have said it’s because its over £25,000, although I am not insured for anything over £25000 I am now back to square one again. I do not know why they are employing another loss adjuster but this is going to delay matters further. Can I ask Endsleigh 1) To base any settlement on their original loss adjuster’s report ? I am confused as to why they are not doing this anyway as I have waited months for Endsleigh & the loss adjuster to complete their process & report's. 2) Request the original loss adjusters report as they seem reluctant to provide me with this - am I entitled to this ? 3) Can I, not agree to allow Crawford’s to go through this whole process again? as I have read complaints about their process, online . Axa say the reason Crawfords is involved is because the damage to my property is over £25,000 but yet my building cover does not exceed £25,000. I would really appreciate an advice Many thanks
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