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  1. I had just turned 18 and I don't believe so, I haven't been in trouble before, especially with the railway I've always bought tickets and just so happened to get stopped when I was using a pass to travel to college. As this is my first time getting into trouble if the case is taken further will I be taken to court as I'm worried about getting a criminal record when they haven't offered me to pay a fine.
  2. Around April I was travelling one stop on the train from Rainhill to lea green in merseyside. I was stopped at the station I was getting off at and gave in my pass, they told me that my pass wasn't valid on trains. I was mortified as I believed it was for both the bus and train. Therefor they took my details and a few weeks later sent me out a letter from the debt recovery and prosecutions unit. The letter was not asking me to pay any penalty charges or fines but said I needed to reply within 14days to attempt to appeal. I wrote a letter explaining that I'm only a young student and was under the impression that I could use the pass on the train and since I was notified that I could not I have purchased tickets every time I have travelled and I offered to pay a the faire. I sent the letter back over a month ago now and haven't heard back, will they maybe have forgotten to reply or let me off this time around as I've never gotten into trouble before.
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