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  1. Hi there, I sent my letter to Harlands 19 days ago saying they had 14 days to contact me at my new address which they have not done. I want to believe that this is over and done with now but after reading the other threads it does feel like a Harlands letter or text message will worm its way to me when I least expect it. Thanks to you guys for your help so far and the (almost) 3 weeks of peace I've had. I will let you know if this situation changes. Jim.
  2. two days after I received a letter from Harlands dated 20/07/2016 - In which they say they will cease contact for 7 days (They obviously count the days the mail is in transit as it took 5 days to reach me) - I have received my first text message from them asking me to call them. I assume I just ignore this and wait for them to reply to my letter sent earlier today?
  3. Thanks Slick, I've sent off the letter and got a certificate of posting from the post office. I'll let you know if/when I receive a response from them.
  4. Hi there, So with what you guys have said in mind, I've written the attached letter. I'm sorry to keep asking if it's ok for you to have a look at it and advise if it's ok or not . I just don't know much about this sort of thing and want to make sure I'm fighting it correctly. If you could let me know if the letter is OK to send or if I should change anything, I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Letter to Harlands 1 - no details.pdf
  5. dx100uk - Fair enough. With that in mind I should probably try and get out of paying them whatever I can. Cheers.
  6. Well I thought I'd cancelled it correctly and I haven't been using the gym in that time so I do sort of feel like I shouldn't have to pay for anything else, though I know that's morally the wrong course. At the same time I doubt Harlands would let their collective conscience get in the way of taking my money and more if they had the chance. I'll probably start with option 1. I can't see anywhere in the terms and conditions I have that cancelling early incurs costs. It just says that I should cancel my direct debit and let them (Harlands) know. I am open to suggestion though if you think I'm better off going with option 2?
  7. Thanks for the replies and the advice. I won't bother with my current draft letter then. I do drive and I was driving to the gym during the time I was using it. I guess it's not looking very good for me. If I messed up I'm happy to pay them what I owe but I won't be paying any additional "fees" as I never even received the first three letters.
  8. Hi Slick, Thanks for coming back to me. To answer your questions; 1. Google maps says I'm about 5 miles away from the Gym. Or 8.5 miles if I go a long way around. 2. I called the Gym and left a phone message with them. I've never spoken to Harlands I didn't even know they were a separate entity until yesterday. No worries .. I did try calling CRS as soon as I got the letter but no-one answered so I left a message and no-one has replied. I'll stay off the phone now though. I found a template to use in response to these sorts of letters and have drafted a letter of my own to send to them. I'll include it here (minus personal details) if someone could advise if it's ok or not? CCA Request Letter - Harlands - no details.pdf
  9. Hi there, I received a letter from CRS yesterday stating that my Gym membership was in arrears despite previous letters being sent to me. They are adding £102.50 for their fees for getting involved making the balance I owe apparently £251.50!! I took out the gym membership in August 2015 and around 5-6 months ago I cancelled my DD with Energise gym in York due to myself and my partner separating and me moving to the other side of the city. At the time I couldn't get anyone on the phone, though I tried three times over three days so I left a message with my details saying that I wished to cancel my membership and I then cancelled the DD and thought no more of it. After receiving this letter from CRS yesterday I called my ex who had some post for me which turned out to be three letters from Harlands. I don't understand how they can suddenly find the correct address for me when I apparently owe them more money for not paying? The bulk of the letter I received says the following: We've been employed by Oaklands School as your membership remains in arrears despite previous letters being sent to you. As a result of this, our fees totalling £ 102.50 have been added. Therefore, your account balance now stands at £ 251.50. WE WANT TO REACH AN AMICABLE RESOLUTION WITH YOU! In order that we can do this, please ring our non-premium rate number - 01444 449165 WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS? 1. You want to continue your membership - The club want nothing more than for you to get the full benefits of your membership. Providing you can pay your arrears and set up a new direct debit with us for your future payments, then they're happy to welcome you back in. You may also be entitled to a discount if you are able to settle your account balance in one payment. 2. You believe you've cancelled your membership - We understand the numerous reasons why people stop going. We'll listen to your reasons and do everything we can to resolve your account in line with the terms of your membership. 3. You're experiencing financial difficulties - We know times can be tough and therefore have a variety of possible solutions to assist you, including monthly payment plans that you can afford and recommending independent organisations that may be able to assist you in severe circumstances. We'll cease further letters for 7 days, so please call us on 01444 449165 before then. CRS I called the gym and they said it's nothing to do with them and that I should speak with Harlands. I tried calling them yesterday but they were closed. Any ideas as to what I can do about this? Thank you. Jim
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