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  1. So what do I do now???? They aren’t taking any notice of anything. Do i I get another letter off? They aren’t doing anything Frustrating beyond belief this is lol
  2. I have got a copy of the letter they say I haven’t received dated 28th March. Where they've got that idea from I don’t know. nothing in the letter they’ve sent sheds any light on my letter to them in July I keep repeating questions to them that they still fail to answer its doing my head in
  3. They’ve already had that money from the FSCS in jan 2017 and kept it though?.. so so they are defo up compared to what they probably paid for portfolio
  4. Chuck this in?? I for one would gladly see you in court to yet again get this whole thing closely examined by yet another judge and finally force the removal of the charge against the property as the whole debt is subject to mass irresponsible lending, numerous penalty charges for all manner of indiscretions and other insurances making any balance bogus. I bring back your attention my letter off 25/03/2017 whereby this was fully outlined from the onset. However you chose to disregard my claims and dispute and proceed with a possession claim which was without merit. Which was dismissed and you were liable for my costs. Is this another risk you are willing to take? To make things simpler and less costly for yourselves take the payment you already received of £8,163.29. in full and final remove the charge, write the debt off and close this account down for good. My evidence regarding the resultant balance has been clearly submitted many times.
  5. It’s all the ifs and the buts that’s dragging this out.. how many years now. Surely there’s got to be some light at the end of tunnel and closure at last? this dragging on without responses is killing me
  6. How’s this looking? Really want to bash my head against the wall Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your Quarterly Mortgage Arrears dated 16th July 2019 It is noted that once again you have totally disregarded my letters dated 8th November, 26th January and 11th April and have failed to answer the questions put to you. Since my first contact with you Prime Credit/Alpha Credit Solutions 4 S.a.r.l. back in 2017 my sheer frustration in dealing with your ineptitude grows on a monthly basis. In regard to the outstanding balance you claim is owed • How have reached this figure • Payment schedule • Monthly repayment • Months remaining • End date of loan You state there are arrears on this account and there is a balance outstanding which I totally contest. Yet you remain unable to provide proof or answer simple questions put to you above on numerous occasions. However you continue to threaten rather than actively engage with me. This has been the case from day one. I have a log of all communication from 2017 to date (enc) which will confirm your lack of engagement with me on this long never ending saga. This letter is now 8th Complaint Account In Serious Dispute Letter since the dismissal of your possession claim against me on 15th June 2018. The delay and context of your 2 responses leave a lot to be desired and still have not provided me with any clarity on this situation. The long list of disputes are being ignored and have been since Jan 2017. Which is unacceptable. Once again I am requesting you remove the charge and write the debt off or give this debt back to the original owners Welcome Finance allowing myself and them to continue what was originally started with them in 2016, when instead of investigating thoroughly they passed the buck and they sold the bogus debt to you. Not forgetting to date you have already received a payment of £8,163.29. Take this payment in full and final settlement and close this account down. My evidence regarding the resultant balance has been clearly submitted many times. Thus coming to a simple resolution for both parties, without the need for extensive involvement of the FOS/FCA/ICO nor further Court Cases. I trust this provides you with a clear outline of my position. If you require further clarity on anything, do not hesitate to write to me and request it. I look forward to hearing from you in 14 days.
  7. Heard something 2 letter one just a quarterly statement but the other more threats with another statement from aug 18 to date. Time to send them something do you think? Prime_16th_July_.pdf
  8. Still not heard a pip after their joking threatening letter in June. whats my next course of action??
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