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Everything posted by Senorita79

  1. Thank you . So, who would my court case be against now? The tel coms company still or the debt agency ?
  2. Sorry False account is wrong wording ... it was mine but they failed to cancel the account despite receiving and acknowledging the request in writing and took 6 months further line rental which I told my bank to reverse the DD charges It’s in a right pickle but can someone actually tell me if a company can sell the “debt” on if a court has set a hearing date
  3. They charged 6 months further rental despite receiving and acknowledging the cancellation request in writing My question still remains as - how can a retailer sell a debt on despite a court date being set... so who’s going to defend ... the tel com company or debt recovery agency ?
  4. No it’s new enquiry. The retailer is one of main UK mobile tel com companies - The county court set my claim for April and I get a let from the mobile company saying they’ve sold the debt on. Surely if it’s goinh to court, they have to deal with it ?
  5. Evening If you issued court papers against a retailer (false account for monies owed) in March 2018 and it was only assigned a county court in December 18 for a hearing in April 19, can the retailer sell the debt on prior to the court case ? Cheers
  6. Cheers So, this DO transport - who delivered and did the £20 install aren’t responsible ?
  7. After a bit of advice por favor. New dishwasher was installed last Tuesday by Curry’s - work contracted to DO transport apparently for delivery and install. After 4 uses, escape of water issues started occurring over the kitchen, mopping up with towels No machines were used on Sunday - , went to work yesterday came home at 6 and the kitchen floor was flooded and a good 1-1.5 of hallway carpet was affected to by kitchen door. Emergency plumber came out this morning with a call out fee of £75 and diagnosed that hose wasn’t tightened to mains correctly and issue should now be contained and fixed. But the water damage has gone half way up the plastered wall behind the white goods and gone through to the conservatory wall (freshly painted last week) Rather than claim against household insurance, should Curry’s/Distribution company accept liability subject to pictures and viewing damage ? TIA x
  8. I didn’t - that was what they wrote in their email. They offered 20% compensation but without prejudice I’ll be writing it tonight and may post it here excluding certain info if ok.
  9. Grrrr - I asked a court clerk that very question today when I paid the court trial fee and she said you’re just the defendant and you have no witnesses So a statement like I Señorita79 of “address” confirm that on said date and time then go on to explain what happened and what I’m claiming for and submit all exhibits 1- photos of car damage 2 - emails from a customer service manager denying phone call occurred to report damage and complaint 3.) Car repair estimate on headed paper 4.) all emails from their legal secretary denying responsibility 5.) further “without prejudice” email offering compensation for repair at approx 20% of the original estimate 6.) letter from mobile provider saying they will provide evidence of phone call (reporting damage)subject to receiving court order - their customer service number is 0800 so won’t show up on any bills And then sign it off Anything else ?
  10. You are right - defence was the incorrect term, as is witness. I’m the claimant but I still need to write my statement as to why I’m claiming and what for and submit my evidence.
  11. Thanks - that’s exactly what I needed direction with. Like I said , I had brain freeze. Thanks again
  12. Unsure why the rudeness I’ve explained what happened - all I’m doing is not saying who the retailer is but if you want me make one up, let’s use B&Q or Homebase The cruz of it - employee removed goods from my boot and damaged the bumper causing £1k plus I’m just needing help with a court statement.
  13. I don’t mind saying what’s happened but naming the retailer isn’t necessary So they were removing their goods from my boot as I was returning them for a refund and they dropped the goods causing over £1k in damage. Court date is set for end of September vía MCOL and I need to submit my defence... I’m asking what do I write as a statement. I (name) of (address) and then write exactly what happened with evidence of damage with photos taken at the time, all email correspondence, them denying I even phoned to report the damage, supplying EE bill confirming phi all made with a 17 min conversations, all email trails, Car damage estimates It’s the statement content I’m unsure of . Thanks
  14. An employee was removing goods from my boot of car and dropped them and took chunks of paint out of it. I just need to know what to write in my statement Thanks
  15. Hi I’ve got my court case against a retailer at the end of September and I need to submit my defence I’ve got brain freeze, do I literally just what I am doing or do I need to follow certain worded protocols with sentences Also, the in-house solicitor at the retailer has now left, do I trust that they have their internal affairs sorted? Or do I contact the new person as noted on an out of office Cheers
  16. Hi If you took a travel policy out with Debenhams and the gadget element is underwritten via Trent services and you have a complaint with how a gadget claim was dealt with - do you take it up with debenhams or with Trent services ? Thanks
  17. Thank you for replying It is a hazard that the treatment may not take but shouldn't they warn you of that prior to treatment taking place ? And not continue with further options if they know it won't take. I don't think they can claim that no harm has been done as it's semi permanent and they have left a "permanent" mess which is still very visible.
  18. Hi If a beauty treatment went wrong despite 1-3 attempts of rectification but it still failed/didn't take, does the customer have any legal right via small court to request a full refund of £300. No disclaimer signed No Information given about who it is/isn't suitable for ? Money taken, no major care given and therapist now becoming immensely abusive via text. Tia
  19. Hi, Just after some advice: I bought some beauty products (toner, cleanser, night cream) I've only used 2 out 3 products just once and read the instructions on bottle prior to application. Over the weekend my face felt like a furnace and now my skin is mega dry, still bright red, swollen and is peeling. Doctor has prescribed moisturiser and said use camomile and antihistomine until the swelling calms down. At first, the retailer didn't want to know and was being unresponsive to my email. Sent one last one saying if I don't hear by close of play, I'll have no choice but to take it further (no threat of legal action at this stage - just said further action) She's implied it meant legal - gave me her "legal team" address which is hers and has now said if I send the products back at MY cost, I can get a refund - I've already requested my bank do a chargeback for that bit as at that stage she wasn't be responsive But I want to take it further, I've had to take 2 days off work as my face was sore and not pleasant to look at. And these prescriptions cost too. What am I entitled do, surely this is a product liability issue and im entitled to claim if she has the insurance, if not MCOL ?? Thanks x
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