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  1. Update. Been contacted by bca to collect the car. Been collected 27 july
  2. Hi all. Well the cars got 85k on it and 6 years old. So as any other car it's got dings and marks everywhere. Most of which were already on it. They also asked for the service book. Which I never had when I got the car. I worked it out I owe around £2400 to make the 50%. I'm paying no more. I'll let you know when I get another update
  3. This what I received today via email after copy and paste and edit the form from dx
  4. Mr A AGREEMENT NUMBER********** REGISTRATION NUMBER************* * We received your notice of termination of the above agreement on 19/07/2016 * Your contact details will now be passed to a company called BCA (British Car Auctions) who will contact you directly to arrange the inspection and collection of the vehicle, which we will agree to carry out free of charge. *Please note they will be only able to inspect and collect between the hours of 9am until 5pm weekdays only. * BCA will now contact you within the next 2 working days to arrange the appointment and the appointment must be carried out within a period of 7 days from them contacting you. Failure to action this will mean the appointment of recovery agents, the cost of which would be billed to your account. * Please note that you must keep the vehicle fully taxed and insured until it has been returned. * You are required to also return the following items. * 1.*********** The Registration Document know as a V5 2.*********** Service History Book / With FULL service record to Manufacturers schedule 3.*********** MOT certificate if applicable 4.*********** Spare keys 5.*********** Sat Nav Disc if applicable * Please note that if you fail to return any of the above items, we will charge you for costs incurred in replacing them.* Please be advised we are able to claim from you any loss we suffer as a result of your failure to take reasonable care of the vehicle and service the car to the manufacturer’s recommendations.* * IMPORTANT NOTE: REMOVAL OF PERSONAL DATA Please ensure you remove all evidence of personal data which may be left in the vehicle or on electronic devices fitted to the vehicle prior to return. * I look forward to hearing from you shortly.* You may contact me on 03305551520, or email me on assetmanagement@moneybarn.com. * Yours sincerely, * * * Pat Gregory Asset Management Agent DDI: 0330 555 2340 Email: Pat.Gregory@moneybarn.com Website: http://www.moneybarn.com Follow us… **
  5. got you, ill print that off and send it to them and keep you informed of the process
  6. thanks for the reply so do i carry on making payments or just send that asap and with regards to the car been returned, it wasn't in showroom condition when i had it, so will they try to make me pay to restore it?
  7. a quick summery , conditional sale agreement taken out with them 26/11/2014 around £13k total i think monthly payments £217.58 only got certain parts of my agreement with me as I've mislaid them, not up to 1/3 payment, that amount is £4279.07 had the car from november 2014 only had 1 late payment due to bank account change issue and so far all up to date, i rang them in april and explained my circumstances have changed and i can no longer afford the payments and asked if there anything they can do to help, the guy on the phone changed my dd payment date- i sort of got a month off payment, which in the agreement i can do this anyway, I'm self employed and been though a bad patch since i had the car, and obviously got crap credit as I've turned to them in the first place. I'm around £25000 in debt without the car been added on and the situation is now dire, I'm getting behind on my rent and council tax payments and the payments i make on the car would be better used to pay more pressing arrears. whats the best plan for me to return the car to moneybarn? im not going to lie, ill either be in forced or voluntry bankruptcy by the end of the year as its got to much to ever pay back and survive with the money i earn. just need some advice on where to go
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