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James Belland

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Everything posted by James Belland

  1. Good point, ericsbrother. Maybe she deludedly thinks she'll be able to continue her merit-less court cases against the neighbour under a new name.
  2. About 13 posts ago (before this thread got de-railed) BA said: "Her change of surname speaks volumes". In your experience of the bailiff arena, BA, what does this mean? I have offered two reasons why I thought she might have changed it (1. to make her less 'Googlable' and 2. because she's bought into the' Legal Name Fraud' FMoTL nonsense) but there may be other reasons that you have come across in your line of work?
  3. We got a bit side-tracked here as to why Rekha Patel would change her name. Another possibility for the name-change is that now she is a fully fledged Free Man On The Land or SovCit (Sovereign Citizen), she has bought into that whole 'legal name fraud' nonsense. This is another level of weirdness and if you have the stomach for it read this... https://loweringthebar.net/2016/06/is-it-illegal-to-use-a-legal-name.html
  4. How do we know how Google will respond, BazzaS? By reading very carefully the Guardian link you posted earlier especially the bit about PUBLIC INTEREST. BA has already pointed out the high level of public interest on this thread alone. Also bear in mind that this story has gone far and wide beyond the reaches of the EU member states to which this 2014 'Google Spain' law only applies. Australia is another country and here is India's take on it... https://www.ndtv.com/indians-abroad/why-uks-rekha-patel-sold-her-home-for-2-pounds-1654487
  5. Wrong BazzaS. Google will not remove stories if they deem them IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST which this story is. Having refused your request, Google then offers you an alternative - to go and approach each newspapers Webmaster individually.
  6. When I said "forever" I was talking about the many articles and news reports from the Press - not the link I posted about her extended CRO which expires in Nov 2019. This story is classed as public interest - therefore is Googlable forever. (Unless Rekha wants to ask the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Manchester Evening News, the Mirror, the Tameside Reporter, some Indian newspaper some Brazilian newspaper etc etc to take down their story. Somehow I think not)
  7. Yup Unclebulgaria67, their lives have been made hell for over 7 years due to Rekha Patel, who incidentally has now changed her surname. She emailed all the teachers of her school about it even though she hasn't been teaching there for nearly 18 months. On extended sick leave with "stress". Why change her name though? Maybe it's because she went running to the Press and didn't come out too well. Stays on Google forever including this.... https://www.gov.uk/guidance/extended-civil-restraint-orders-in-force
  8. There's a lot of confusion out there about this case. This article from June 2017 will fill in the background https://tamesidereporter.com/2017/06...rt-judgement1/ Shortly after this Chancery Division Judge's decision in June 2017 Rekha Patel was evicted a second time in July 2017 (she'd broken back into the house shortly after her 2016 eviction and squatted there for a year). She was convicted at Stockport Magistrates in Nov 2017 for Obstructing a Court Enforcement Officer, and later received a 2-year Civil Restraint Order to stop her from repeatedly taking the neighbour to court for merit-less reasons. Consequently, legal costs must have rocketed to well over £100k so there is likely to be no change out of the sale of her cottage. All this is documented on Quatloos. Added to those costs are the 24/7 dog patrol costs. She and her FMoTL friends have attempted to break back in to the cottage half a dozen times since summer 2017 so security are guarding the cottage until the house is sold. T he thread started in this forum by BA was closed due to 'UncleBulgaria67' and 'Bernadette' sticking up for Rekha Patel. They must be the only 2 people left in Britain who fail to see the misery she has inflicted on a whole community with her anti-social behaviour. And it wasn't over a 'few stones' as reported in the Rekha-fed Press - she actually undermined the foundations of the neighbours' grade 2 listed property.
  9. No Leakie, it wasn't a Civil court hearing Chrisy Morris was at last week. It was his Criminal court Appeal which had been postponed from last November - obstruction of a High Court Enforcement Officer at Patel Cottage, Glossop on June 2016 (oh how slowly the wheels of justice turn). It's all on Quatloos. Read it. And no, form N293A wasn't used and correctly so. It was Writ 66 and 88. Everything was tickety boo. The only fly in the ointment being the CPS who couldn't be arsed to produce the original writs to HH Judge Lawton. Didn't think it necessary to look for them. Thought photocopies would suffice. ut Judge Lawton who had travelled all the way up to Manchester from Woolwich or somewhere that hot day ready for a 2-day trial lost patience after 40 minutes and called the whole thing off. oral of the story more funding for the overworked understaffed CPS please, Teresa May.
  10. Chrisy Morris has succeeded in getting his re-hearing at Minshull St Crown Court Manchester on 30th November. This is for obstructing a High Court Enforcement Officer in June 2016 during Rekha Patel's 1st eviction. It'll be heard with 2 magistrates and a judge, no jury. Co-incidentally Rekha Patel is at Stockport Magistrates Court 2 days earlier on 28th November for the same offence. She obstructed a High Court Officer during her 2nd eviction in July this year and had her Magistrates hearing postponed due to FoTL tactics causing courtroom chaos in August. Both are being filmed by Ken Thompson for his documentary "Meet The Resistance". They love being on TV these two, except that nothing Ken films ever gets finished.
  11. The Rekha Patel Show ended in chaos at Stockport Magistrates Court last Monday. Seems she and her band of Freemen on the Land were showing major contempt of court, performing strange "rituals" in the courtroom, then refusing to leave. Her new best friend, failed film-maker Ken Thompson advised her and co-accused Cheryl Leezack not to stand as it "gives them power over us". You can view Ken's background on Quatloos "Ken Thompson - Film-maker to the SovCits" https://tamesidereporter.com/2017/08/cottage-obstruction-case-ends-in-chaos/
  12. What happens when a home-owner who is evicted because he owes legal costs of nearly £100k and the solicitors who, with a high court writ, had him evicted last month are now faced with the prospect of them having moved back in? The police say they can do nothing as there is no criminal damage - just damage to a £10 woodchip board which hadn't been replaced in time with a door. The police are saying it's a civil trespass and there is no burglary as there is intent to live there. Is it contempt of court? It will have to go back to the High Court and there will be a second eviction, so ultimately this will cost the former owner even more. Bit of a daft short term thing to do but hey -- anyone else experienced this?
  13. Andyorch, thank you for reminding me. Whilst on this matter of privacy, please could you redact the name of the neighbour in this case from previous CAG postings including the photo of the writ and 3rd posting from Bailiff Advice? Contrary to what Bailiff says it is not in the British public domain. Defamation lawyers are watching. Thank you
  14. Sadly for Rekha Patel, she is prone to 'knowledgeable' people like Colin Peter (below) helping her out. He lost his own case but he is still an "expert". " Rekah Patel. -- Please get in touch with me privately by emailing me on (edit) I have intimate knowledge regarding this type of dispute and am hopeful that I might be able to help you find a remedy in law. ---- The reason why I don't want to expand my knowledge to you publicly at this time is because I I do not want to forewarn your opponents and the 'system'.-- --- In losing everything that I once had in this world, due to our evil 'system' of law, I unwillingly learnt much about the 'system' and believe that I might be able to help you defeat it. Although I lost unjustly against it, my loss might be your gain. Check out my 'credentials' at (edit) She has also been sending the neighbour documents, monthly, attesting that she is a "student of the Chief Federal Judge, David Wynn Miller". containing her fingerprint signature and pictures of the American Flag. these docs state that the neighbour is in breach of International Maritime Law and The Rescissions Act. The Youtube clips show one of the film crew stating he too is a student of said judge and that the neighbour is using 'fraudulent conveyance of language'. "Captain Carol Hofmannn" was also present on eviction day and on the father's day march to take back Rekha's home. (Low turnout of mainly family - went unreported in the Glossop Chronicle even tho reporter was present). It's a whole new parallel world of Reverend Moon types who seek alternatives to a 800-year-old British legal system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wynn_Miller
  15. Not only did the teacher's builders saw off rare water-tabling features from the neighbour's grade2 listed property without Party Wall Notice, but also the teacher and builders spent the summer holidays of 2011 digging down to soil beneath the footings of the party wall in order to lay underfloor heating. This, despite teacher being told by the council's building control officer in May 2011 not to dig any deeper than the stone floor slabs. Both houses are grade 2 listed, 18th century, no foundations just flagstones on clay soil. Neighbour's house is on land 2 ft higher so relies on party wall of teacher's older house. Five-year crack monitoring on neighbour's house until 2017. Teacher's builders also overloaded scaffold with heavy stone roof tiles and placed accro foot on neighbour's drain which cracked 100-year-old pot gulley causing £850 worth of damage. Neighbour tried to sort it out amicably at first but teacher believed she was in the right. Both parties then went to mediation but teacher wanted compensation. Teacher has been given 10 weeks from 1st April to pay her outstanding 6 years worth of legal bills including 2 appeals at the High Court. She refuses to pay. Prefers to orchestrate a media campaign including cage fighter, FMoTL Chrisy Morris, M.E.N and Daily Mirror, Youtube, FB, Glossop Chronicle - so far. Has told her pupils in class that she is writing a book about this. She took 6 months sick leave last year and is currently off sick with "stress". She has made a speech on eviction day about "the racist neighbour next door" and organised a "march" on Father's Day to reclaim her house where she made further speeches to 20 mostly family in what was once her garden, but they were effectively trespassing. The Glossopdale FB Group page has posted racist comments about the neighbour whose children have had to stay in a safe house. Teacher has now got her own FB page "Community Backs Teacher" (Rekha Patel) where she uses the image of Gandhi - an insult to this great man's name.
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