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Everything posted by sergeantcookie

  1. Ive just listened back to the recording of my call with the HCEO and he says I have 24-48 hours to sort it out before they come back and start seizing my assets
  2. I didnt realise that they cant force entry if they havent been in before. I was under the impression that they can just come and break in after so long?
  3. In relation to the seizure of goods, the only things of any value are a 13 year old ford fusion and a tv. The washing machine and dishwasher are the landlords. The fridge freezer is mine and is around 8 years old.
  4. I have just spoke to the HCEO. I queried the outstanding balance and he says its down to court costs and their fees? I never thought of asking for a breakdown of them but in all £915 has been added. On my claim form it states that court costs and solicitors fees come upto £100. He says I have 24 hours from his first visit to sort out a payment or they will seize goods. I really need some advice on this so any would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hi. No I didnt go to court. The documents I requested were my daily time sheets. I was a van driver and we had to fill out a timesheet everyday. Due to the hours I was working I believe that I was receiving less than the minimum wage, but couldnt prove it as they never supplied me with them. And the reason I didnt pay the courts - clearly I was stupid
  6. I am just looking over the paperwork again and have read a section that states: you must pay by cleared funds only, or agree a payment arrangement with the enforcement agent by 2nd june 2016. Well when i spoke to andrew wilsons on 28th may to come up with a payment arrangement they claimed i couldnt do anything until after that date and had to wait for a HCEO to visit my address. Then in the next paragraph it says that if the sum remains unpaid or have not agreed a payment i may be charged extra costs. I never got the option to make payment arrangements?
  7. Good evening all. I will try and be as brief as possible but I would like some advice on the following. I left my ex employer on 18th December 2015, working no notice. 7 weeks to the day later I get a letter from them saying I owe them just under £500 as I had infact been paid up until the 31st December. I queried this and requested other documents from them to which I never received. They got another company involved in trying to claim this money back. I was taken to court and obviously court costs were added on top. I never paid that, I had a letter through dated the 20th May saying I owed them £805 and need to contact them within x amount of days or they will send the HCEO out to my address. I called them with 4 days to spare to explain that I would like to setup a payment plan, but the rather rude lady on the phone said I need to let the time expire and await a visit from the HCEO. The bill at the 2 June was £805 owing. I got home tonight and have had a letter posted through my door and it states that I now owe £1600!?!? and failure to pay will result in me owing in excess of £2600. I have tried to call the HCEO but it rings through to answerphone on every occasion. How can the fine more than double in a matter of 6 days? Is this allowed? I really need some assistance, I am trying not to get stressed out over this as when I do, my health drops. And before people say, Yes I should have paid in the first place, but I had/have valid reasons as to why I didn't agree with the overpayment. Thank you in advance.
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