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  1. Thanks dx100uk, Yes I believe it's the 'water element' when I receive word back from my claim for CT Relief I'll be able to see if this is the case. I was getting some CTR not total relief as my Pension credits & a small company pension (£55 a mnth) were taken into account, but when I lost the £50 a week from PIP, and as my situaion had changed (as regards to ability to pay) I submitted a CTR form, still waiting for a reply.
  2. Listen Guys, You've given me a cornucopia of information, I thank you all sincerely. After I've digestedit I will contact Govan Law Centre and plead my case to them. When I get a result (for or against) I WILL post all the relevant details and links etc, hopefully it'll help some othersthe way you've all helped me. Wonderful response to my problem, I wish I'd know about this forum years ago
  3. Hi, The letter I've received states that they've been instructed to execute a Charge For Payment followed by a Funds Arrestment in respect of council tax arrears. it goes on to explain how this MIGHT affect my finances and that it's ESSENTIAL that I contact them immediately, which I haven't, I'll go to gaol first. I've looked at section 187 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 and Section 5.246 Scottish Law Commission Consideration, they're pretty vague, looks as though they either can or can't arrest my pension and PIP if they've a mind. Really puzzling wordage.
  4. I've applied for council tax relief but I haven't heard from them yet. When my DLA was changed to this PIP I lost almost £50 per week as I can make a sandwich to eat, so I applied for Ctax relief. Thanks DX
  5. I've received a letter from Scott& Co Sheriffs Oficers in Glasgow stating that they are going to arrest my bank account for 'unpaid council tax'. I'm a disabled pensioner and the only monies I have going into my bank are My pension and Personal Independance payment. Are they allowed to touch Benefits like this?
  6. I've just receivedba letter from Scott & Co thretening to arrest any funds in my bank account. I was under the impression that as ALL of my income consists of my old age pension and PIP as I'm severely disabled that these funds were immune to any arrestment. Is this the case?
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