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  1. Hi All, After a bit of research it seems that the loan in question (taken out in March 2000) was underwritten by 3 different underwriters. Lloyds syndicate 582 (AA Cassidy & others) 40%. SCOR UK limited 35% and Zurich Insurance 25%. I have emailed the complaints department of all parties with my name, dob and welcome financial ac number. I have requested repayment of premiums plus 8% interest since the PPI was mis sold. I have asked that the complaint be forwarded to the relevant department for a response. My question now is this. If, as I expect, they simply say no or ' too long ago' or Welcome was not 'regulated' at the time. - this is the reason the FOS won't take it on, can I simply issue a money claim in the small claims court against all three companies, using the details on companies house for the name of their managing director/registered address. ? This may be very simplistic but in my mind, regardless of regulation, time, etc, these people still took a lot of money from me under false pretences . I was told that it was an obligatory part of the loan, that I couldn't have the loan without the repayments being 'protected' . I was not aware that it was completely unsuitable for me as I have been a civil servant since 1996 have full sick pay for 6 months and 6 months half pay. On top of that, my pre existing health condition (since age 24 (was 32 at time of loan) would have precluded any claim.
  2. I am currently making claims for 3 welcome loans. 2 are with Aviva and 1 pre Aviva from March 2000. Have you had any luck with a claim against Lloyds. ?
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