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  1. I felt it was my karma. So I feel less burdened now. thank you so much. you gave a a sense of relief
  2. oh I read in uk gov website that you can have your name in dishonesty register. I did a bank transfer
  3. thank you so much. I did wrong but now I'm working part time and i even paid their fees as they sent me a letter. I was just worrying about dishonest register thing.
  4. i was caught lifting at sainsburys on 17th. I paid for everything £30 they just made me sign a paper which stated I'm banned from entering their stores, I said sorry and they were fine with it. today I got a letter from dwf to pay 150 and even did that payment as I'm feeling bad because of my act. Do you think it will affect my employment opportunity or will I be included in dishonest list?
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