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Mona Hall

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  1. Hello all, I am new on this Forum, I got a Penalty Fare Notice from East Midlands Trains. I tried to get the ticket on board as I thought I could do but instead I got a Penalty Fare. I paid half of it on board and then they took my details and told me to pay the rest. (I couldn't pay it all as I didn't have enough money on me). They asked me for my ID but I'm from a different country so I provided my ID from my country. They took my date of birth (they got the year wrong, I realised when I read my copy at home) and asked me for my name and address. I said I was on holliday so I didn't provide them an address. They have my name and my first surname (I have two surnames) and a telephone number from my country (but it's an old one because it was the only one I could remember). Am I ever going to get this fare? Are they going to find me with the information they have? Where do they check all this information? Thank you so much.
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