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Everything posted by Juleszoemay

  1. Hi, I am looking for some advice, having received a court requisition this morning, having been previously blissfully unaware of any issue (not having received any warning letters) I am the registered keeper of a car, that I 'loaned' to a friend of my husbands to use during a troubled patch in his life. The car was taxed by DD monthly, paid for by my husband, and insured by the driver, until January 2016 when he wrote the car off in an accident. I am being charged that on the 5th April 2016 the vehicle was taxed, and not insured. Firstly, the car was taken away by the insurance company on the 25th January, I naively assumed at that point that they would inform the DVLA (apparently not - they only received disposal notification on the 25th April) I had been paying monthly tax by direct debit, and had forgotten to cancel it, and having never had a car written off I didn't realise I needed to inform the DVLA mysef. DVLA tell me I would have had 2 warning letters, I didnt. But they cant do anything about it as its with the court now. Apparently the enforcement team wont speak to me because there is a previous offence on the car, which incidentally was the 'friend' speeding in it, which has been settled. The court is in Crawley, I live 150 miles away. Yes I could go, at great time and monetary expense, but I dont understand why when the vehicle didn't even exist I am being made to feel like a criminal. Can anyone suggest what I should do? Am I guilty? there was no car!
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