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  1. Payments were taken in September and October too, but I only realised in October, i only cancelled it to stop more going out. I completely understand that I probably should have called the gym as clearly something was wrong with my account but I didn't think anything of it until the letter came through the door in February 2016. I did look into reclaiming the two £9.99 payments but my banks website said I should try and contact the company first, so I assumed I wouldn't get anywhere with it. I assume they are just going to send me another letter threatening legal action when they notice I haven't responded. I see you've been assisting people for a few years, in your experience do they eventually stop contacting if the 'debt' hasn't been paid?
  2. Thanks honeybee, Here are the letter and response from CRS. Thanks in advance to anyone who has a read through my case! CRS_Letter.doc
  3. Hi, Sorry for another thread. I have used this forum to help make my case so far, however I've had another letter and now I feel that i'm at a dead end. I've attached a copy of the letter I sent to CRS, this fully explains my particular situation. I did also send a very similar letter to X4L head office, but they didn't respond. I've also scanned in the response and I don't know what to do next. I don't have a copy of my cancellation form but I DID sign one. I was a loyal customer at X4L for 2 years and never missed a payment, so I absolutely will not pay a penny out of principle more than anything. I am extremely fed up as this has been ongoing since February 2016. I'm very close to sending a letter just telling them that I do not acknowledge the debt and they will have to take me to court (I'd also like to remind them that they will incur court fees if they lose, as they have said the same to me!) I just don't know if this is tempting fate, because ultimately I cannot prove I handed in my written notice - it will be my word against theirs. I can however demonstrate good character through loyalty as a customer and all my dates will add up (in terms of graduating from university and relocating to an area with no X4L facilities) as well as a good academic/professional record which shows that I wouldn't simply 'forget' to cancel my membership. Would this hold up in court? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Alex
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