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Everything posted by newboy007

  1. the claim company stipulated to me no win no fee agreement. just to add to my injury, physically i sustain very little but physcologically and post accident stress and trauma as well some pain to my lower back, and knees is what i am trying to cope with. I am scared to ride the scooter again, and don't think i will be riding for at least the next 2-3 months.
  2. I made enquiries with two claims company and they called me back, i have not decided which one to choose yet but both happy to deal with my case. I have witnesses plus camera is there that would have captured it, i have requested that footage yesterday. As for my insurance, i have third party fire and theft and i have already notified them the next day after the accident. but am i right in saying if i pursue my case with them they will put me in high risk category and increase my insurance. Thats why i am happy yo notify them but let the claim company deal with damage to my scooter and injury as well as loss of income of the 4 days i have taken off so far. I checked my insurance details and when i took it legal cover was additional and optional so i did not take it. Thank you so far.
  3. Hello, few days ago i had an collision with a car. I was on my Honda pcx scooter riding in straight path on a bus/scooter/bike lane when an car from opposite direction was turning right into side road. so i am on my lane with that another lane going to same direction and from opposite a car suddenly appears to me crossing my path and thats when the collision occurred. I went straight into the cars bumper and fell down and rolled over quite bad. i would not have been travelling more that 30mph (approx 20-25), i wasn't overtaking just riding straight in centre of the lane i was in. The cars to my right going in my side of the road may have obscured my view of any oncoming car from opposite side making a right turn. I had no time to severe away (that probably would have been dangerous) braked right at the end that probably reduced the impact by just little as it was too late by then. It happened very quick and i knew at that fraction of a second that a collision is coming. i really made my body stiff and thats why i escaped from flying or running into the windscreen like they show in film stunts. instead i rolled over on the floor and my bike fell over other side. dry conditions, slightly overcast weather. I took lots of pictures of scene and damage to my scooter. As for me even though i fell the impact hard, fell down think i rolled over few times but got ups soon to assess the scene and damage. at the scene not much physical injuries but i was dazed, felt disoriented, deep shock and really why and how going through my mind. I remember just after accident my reaction was slow, hands shaky and i felt impact on my head as well although no apparent injury there. Police arrived with parademics, inside ambulance they checked me and police officer taking details as well there. Exchanged details of other driver who was in his 50s by himself and got a card from a mini cab company who saw the accident and willing to act as witness. So went home after a rest, accident happened only within 5 minutes ride of my home so after rest i rode it home carefully. So in the night i was woken up by vomitting and next morning whole body felt different, pain in my left side lower back that meant i had difficulty getting up from my bed or standing up from a sitting position as i could feel the pain to that side, so far it has been three days since but first two days i felt my head a bit burdened and my movement both physical and speech slower than normal. attended GP next morning after accident to at least report my injury and the accident. notified my insurance company but just that so far. two claim companies called me and send me some paperwork to look at and sign if i am willing to make a claim. i work as security officer on 4 on/off shift that includes days and nights, so took the 4 days off. any advice much appreciated from people how should i proceed going forward. Shall i leave it to the claims company and do not approach my insurance company too much to future insurance issues.
  4. Hello all, Just need advice, My ex employer who i have left 4 months ago called me. my ex manager phoned me yesterday to ask me if i can write something down regarding an accident that happened to an employee when i was on shift and it was me who wrote the accident report backed by photos of injury and location where it happened in the employer's place. That employee has taken the company for a claim and ex manager called me to ask me if i can write my version and has provided me with email of a person from an insurance company who i should send my brief email to regarding our discussion on the phone. The thing is I wrote a thorough accident report on this accident when the person who had the accident reported it couple of days after the injury at work. My question is why am i called to send a brief since i have already written the report and do not work for the company anymore. Is something i should be aware of, by sending a brief am i putting myself into something unknown, is it advisable. what do you think. Thanks in advance. regards,
  5. I am bit confused now. So is it worth me contesting this issue or not. I lack bit understanding of the above replies. I received a Contract of employment via email and read it like a small print. It does say 20 days including public holidays. Here's is it "5. Holiday Entitlement You are entitled to 20 days’ paid holiday inclusive of public holidays applicable in England and Wales in each holiday year. The holiday year runs from 1 January to 31 December and your entitlement will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for contracted days less than 5 and pro-rated to reflect your service in the relevant holiday year." All the hotels i know offer 28 days holidays that includes BH. The hotel i am working for is a reputable well established brand with well over thousand hotels in many various countries. Its unheard of to not get 20 days holiday plus 8 days for bank holidays. But so far i know i will only be getting 20 days and also be working for BH without any incentive or holiday accused of it. Not good is it. Please read my above reply on what clearly was replied back to me in regards to holiday entitlements after the interview. That replied sealed it for me and i was not so perturbed by taking a little salary haircut as i needed new role. but 20 holidays after confirmed for 28 is a real downer and not to mention in few days i have attended workload seems heavier as well. Pls i need now advice how to challenge this legally or one to one discussion off course without upsetting the employer. thanks.
  6. They offered 28 days holiday that included BH on email correspondence from HR director but contract of employment says 20 days incl public holidays. three colleagues i asked they confirmed 20 days with me. So basically i get nothing for BH whether i am working that day or not. Seems a little odd. Anyway this was mentioned in email In relation to your question on holidays and Bank holiday entitlement > - all our associates have 28 days including bank holidays. The roster > is based on 4 days and 4 days off for the Security department .There > is no additional compensation for working on bank holidays . i will have to work on BH if it falls on my shift pattern. on my previous employment i was guaranteed 8 days fro BH and even earned 2 leiu days for if i worked on a BH. The current job i took after confirmation of my holiday. I think they may not give me the BH as they have to change for whole dept, but i do feel after the blunder they made they should somewhat compensate me for 8 days either pay me 8 day extra normal rate that will compensate me for the lower salary i have accepted here.
  7. Hello all, Just started my new job two weeks ago in security dept on four days off and four off rota that includes nights as well 7pm-7am and 7am-7pm shifts. Basically i left my previous job and had to take a salary haircut for this new role but i was not happy in my previous job so i left. At interview stages It was said to me on email i am on 28 days paid holidays. However, in the last week i found out that from other colleagues in my dept that its actually 20 days holiday. Now i feel a little down because even though i was not happy with my previous job i was paid more at least a £1000 more a year and i was on 28 days holiday (bit more as working on bank holiday will got me 2 lieu days) but i can't go back to it as it is now taken. I don't know if i want to as well but i took my current role on premise as i was told on email by HR director i will be on 28 days holidays. So not only wages (however i knew about that and not so perturbed about it) but also taken a holiday cut, you can imagine 8 days less holidays makes a difference. I read my contract of employment after confirmation of email from HR stating my salary and 28 days holiday like a small print rapidly. It says 20 days including public holidays. My query is i accepted the job offer from email send to me from HR stating 28 days holidays and now feeling let down with 20 only. I have not raised with HR yet but may do in coming days. I also spoke to ACAS and they pointed out to me that because of hours i am doing i have statutory right to 28 days holidays. they encouraged me to raise with HR. Question is how can i get them to re-write the contract of employment while others in dept are on 20 days holidays. How to deal with this as i am only 2 weeks into job, in probation period for 3 months meaning that i ma afraid they can just say well if you not happy with it you can leave. Anyone has experience of it or can advice me. How can i successfully turn it around. Thanks in advance.
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