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  1. as in equifax hold slightly different information which is bizaare. .but im sure a bank or dca having a incorrect address for holds ground for me to get the default removed because the default warning letter etc wasnt sent to the right address, and im fuming about incorrect details on my file its not exactly going to help me get credit now is it
  2. if a default gets removed from my credit file will it increase me score alot
  3. not sure if its equifax or call credit that hold the incorrect info but either way its affecting me
  4. no mate an actual incorrect addresss put on by santander/hoist portfolio and i dont know how long its been there but its there and it might be ruining my credit rating but the company dont bother responding.......
  5. A incorrect address has been on my file and i need it amended but the company in question hasnt replied to me
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