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Everything posted by Tescos-again

  1. Hi, I seem to be yet another 'victim' of having taken out Tescos car insurance in good faith in September 2015, only to be stopped by the police in December 2015 & told that I don't actually have insurance!!! After my car being impounded, a raging rant at Tescos, letters to Tescos, etc, I was finally sent a CD with the recorded conversation with Tescos and a letter from them, disclaiming all responsibility. I now have a court date in May 2016 relating to driving without insurance and the risk of a fine and points. I'm aware from reading on the site that many people seem to have had similar experiences with Tescos. Please can anyone who has actually managed to get resolution to this situation tell me how to do it. Ideally, I would like to find a solicitor who has managed to win a case such as this against Tescos. I am not a happy bunny ... but I'm sure help is out there somewhere.
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