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  1. So could they file their appeal 3 years later for example? I'm just wondering when I can put this whole mess behind me knowing they can't take any further action.
  2. Thanks for that. So in this case the 21 days doesn't apply because they did get permission from the judge? Forgive me for not understanding all the legal speak in the link, but how many days does VCS now have to file their appeal? I can see that they have to serve it to me within 7 days of filing, but am wondering when they have to file it with the court by. Thanks.
  3. No, the case was this morning, and the claimant's representative asked the judge for permission to appeal, which he granted. I think, but am not certain, they have 21 days to file the appeal.
  4. I need help because VCS are going to appeal County Court Judgement that was in my favour regarding Bylaws and this could be very significant. I have this morning successfully defended in person a case brought against me by Vehicle Control Services. Thank you to all the people that have provided advice, answered questions or have posted information on here (and National Consumer Service) that I've been able to refer to. I used several arguments including abuse of process for the £60 which the judge denied, but he agreed with my argument regarding a railway car park being subject to bylaws and therefore not relevant land under POFA and so dismissed the case, but because he disagreed with my arguments regarding abuse of process I was unable to claim costs. What information am I allowed to post here? When I get the judgement, can I redact personal information, scan it and post on here? What information would be useful to anybody else? Then I come to the problem. The judge granted VCS the right to appeal because he believed the POFA law and government guidance for Bylaws were unclear and needed a decision to be made by a higher judge. He told me I can appear in person for the appeal but advised I might want to seek legal advice. I've already lost several days of work preparing my defence for this case and I'm concerned that my costs are going to rise and if the appeal is won by VCS then I could be subjected to costs being awarded against me but more significantly that I'll have to spend time preparing again for a court case, reading through the 84 pages of the original evidence from VCS and my response plus new arguments that they put forward. The representative for VCS said that the result of this case could be far-reaching because it could prevent parking companies from charging on any railway car park. As this could therefore be a very significant appeal, is there any law firm that I can turn to that would help me without charging or any campaign groups or consumer groups that would want to help back me on this appeal? Thanks.
  5. Hi I'm new to this forum. I've searched for over an hour on what to do today and there's lots of conflicting advice about whether I should ignore my ticket or appeal it. Here's the answers to the questions I think you want me to answer: 1 The date of infringement? 16/4/16 12:21 2 Did you appeal to the parking company? Not yet If no, have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? No 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) N/A 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? N/A 5 Who is the parking company? Elite Management (Midlands) Ltd The charge is for £100 is paid within 28 days and a reduced amount of £60 if received within 14 days. I've heard somewhere on TV from Martin Lewis that all I have to do is offer £5 for trespass. Is this true? £100 or even £60 seems rather a high amount for what was a quick stop in a car park. Admittedly the parking space was for staff of HBOS but there were lots of parking spaces empty and the same when I returned so it's not as if I was causing any problems to them although I appreciate it was a bit cheeky of me. What would should I do? Should I reply and appeal within 14 days or pay within 14 days or ignore or offer £5 or what? Thanks, Paul
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