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  1. I come back for visits but it is not in my immediate (5 years) plans to return. I don't want to rule it out forever.
  2. Hi there Hopefully some knowledgable person here can help with this question. I doubt I am alone in this situation: Left UK in 2009 with around 13,000 GBP of student loan debt with the SLC. Living in a European country (in EEA but NOT in EU) the past 6 years. Difficult start to new life here with little spare cash the first 4 years. Have not been in contact with the SLC for since last payment was made through employer in UK in August 2009. Have now received an email and voice messages on my phone asking me to contact them and provide address and employment details. Email is standard template style. What I would like to know is: 1. How enforcable is this debt as I am living in a country outside the EU? 2. Regarding recent newspaper articles concerning increasing measures by the SLC and HMRC to recover student loans is it really likely that failing to pay this debt will be considered a criminal offence? 3. If the debt is sold to a DCA here in Norway, is that likely? And if so, how enforcable is the recovery of that debt? I do have the intention of paying this off in the near future. I want to pay it off in one lump sum as I have some appreciating assets that will allow me to do this in a year or two. The thought of being a slave to the default 300 GBP payment per month for years as well as the transfer charges for international payments is really putting me off getting in touch with them. To be clear, I have not yet responded to their emails or phone calls. Any help or advice much appreciated!
  3. Hi there Have just recieved the same email as you. What was the outcome/response from SLC after you replied to the email? I have been abroad for 6 years and have not been in touch with them since leaving the UK Thanks in advance for your reply
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