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Everything posted by becsp

  1. Hi, My father passed away 6 weeks ago, he has been divorced from my mum apporx 13 yrs, but did remarry. My mum has recently been pursuing a PPI claim on joint accounts / mortgages they had together. she received a letter today stating that the full PPI claim has already been paid out, almost £4000! which suggests that my dad has forged her signature to claim 100% of the share... ...She was only wanting her 50% Where will she stand on this as he has now died, but his now widow is still alive, and would have benefited from this? As you can imagine I am livid, but she does not want to take it any further to cause distress to the family..... ............ I think I may be acting in anger over this, and will get no where for her but I feel I must try something.
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