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  1. Morning, Happy Easter Who do i make the cheque payable to for SAR please?
  2. Yes, i will certainly accept their refund as a partial offer to date, but, as they have already said that should there be an increased refund amount due to me they will award it and also should the end result be that i am not entitled to the original amount offered, they will not decrease the refund.. so I have nothing to lose really by trying. thank you martin2006:wink:
  3. Great, thank you so much for replying. I shall crack on with that and let you know the outcome.
  4. Hello Everyone, I am new to this website so please bear with me if I am babbling on..aplogies in advance I recently stumbled accross my old Woolwich Opeplan mortgage statements from 2000, noticed Add Ins in the narrative and made a quick call to Barclays to see if this was PPI. The gentleman on the phone took the account number and replied "the bad news is No this was PPI on the mortgage however the good news is you did have it on a Barclaycard taken out in 1998" I was a little taken back but didn't let on, he proceeded to gie me the policy number and the last four digits of the card, advised me to fill out the questionnaire online and wait for a reply. A few days later I received a letter confirming no PPI on Mortgage and a second letter advising me that my claim was being investigated for the Barclaycard and I would hear within 4 weeks. Two weeks later and I got an estimated refund of £2056 I am very happy with that, although I am worried that I should ask for more details regarding the card, I cannot for the life of me remember applying for the card. ..I know i was working all the hours up the city but surely i should be able to remember this?! The letter says that they have estimated the refund amount as they have no records of any premiums that I paid, this has been calculated over 85 months, plus interest plus 8%... Any suggestions to what I reply back to them please Thank you
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