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Everything posted by superstarjan

  1. I have had a letter today saying that a representative from bank of scotland will calling at my home and i have to telephone them if the date is not convenient, can they do this? HELP!!!
  2. Thanks a million Debbie, that was just what i needed to "get me going again". I did send a budget sheet with all 4 letters. ive sent of the letter D, but ammended it slighty as it refers to other creditors agreeing, and also sent another letter to amex and barcalycard enclosing a copy of my 1st letter. At the moment I have nothing to pay, and will review it in 5 months (originally i said 6 but a month has now lapsed), hopefully then i will be able to make an offer of payment to all of them. thanks for the link, i shall read it now Jan
  3. Hiya! No, unfortuantely, I didnt send the letters recorded (will do from now on). I have now received two letters back from two companies refusing (to allow me to pay nothing for 6 months and freeze the interest), although they do state that they may reconsider if I go to a debt counselling service and submit a financial statement from them as they conform to the British Bankers Asocaition guidelines. Also, I have recieved one default notice from amex and 3 reminder letters from barclaycard. so it appears they are not acknowledging my letters. I shall re-send. I have had a look at the template letters and they will need adjusting a little as its mainly saying that "my others crecit cards have agreed to my offer" and they haven't. As the days go on, i'm feeling more and more scared, discouraged and helpless. Is it the norm for the banks to want to go to court, or do they usually agree to these offers? Thanks again for all your help, it really is appreciated. Jan
  4. I have received two letters today, asking why I havent made the last payment. And they have a telephone number to call. They must have received my letters by now, (I sent four to 4 different cards, so it's strange for all four "to go missing") I'm not sure what to do next? Is there another template letter I can send?
  5. Oh thanks again Debbie x Basically i sent off the letters over a week ago to ask them to suspend the accounts for 6 months and that I can then re-assess my situation after that time. I also did a budget sheet (I put on the DLA too) showing my income is now less than my outgoings. I have received this months statements, all with a late payment fee added to them and also the interest aded as normal. Thanks Jan
  6. Hiya! Ive sent off the letter C, 7 days ago (asking to freeze interest and payment for 6 months on credit cards), but haven't heard anything yet, my house phone is diverted to my partners mobile and he is receiving around 8 calls a day. Should I talk to them on phone, or wait for a reply in post? In other words,what is the next step? thanks Jan
  7. One other question, I have just opened the budget planner and on the income bit, do I need to declare mine and my daughter's DLA? thanks Jan
  8. Is there a template letter on here to send to the credit card companies to ask if I can pay a lower monthly amount and to have the interest frozen? Ive looked for hours, but I seem to be going round in circles. Thanks Jan
  9. Hi there! thanks for your help, I shall do that. Oh and please excuse my ignorance, but what is a CCA request?
  10. Oh thank you very much for your help! I have 4 credit cards (had them for for over 3 years) but with the current credit crunch, I can't afford to pay the minimum payment on them anymore. I was looking for some template letters and advice on how to arrange a lower monthly payment with the banks and to see if I could get the interest frozen, when I read that some credit card debts might be challengable due to errors on the original agreement. But I have no idea whether this is the case with my credit cards or how to find out. Thanks again Jan
  11. Hiya Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section, (all the abbrieviations are baffling me a little), I've spent a bit of time reading through posts but not found what I'm looking for. Basically, I've just read on Martin Lewis' website that some credit card debts might be challengable due to errors on the agreement. Is this true and how do I go about finding out whether this is the case with my credit cards? Thanks Jan
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