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  1. This is the only document i signed.I will call them tomorow and I will come back with the contract translated.thank you
  2. and when the manager from here sow my contract where is write i need to pay 800 euro but they have a 50% discount and i will pay only 400 euro he told me he never sow and hear about that 50% discount and 800 euro....
  3. my father lives there and he pass to their offices and complain..and i don t know if is covered under spanish law
  4. and iif is not a franchise?..can you explain me what can i do
  5. i don t know exacly if the company is spanish or from here...i make the contract in madrid....they recruit from italy spain and london.....and after one mounth i try to get at least my money back and they told me something like the money was for services...what services i dont know...4 interviews in one month and 5 min each one...
  6. the beginning it is about the apartment if i dont have where to live they offer me some places. ...the second part from Garantia says exacly like that.. ...if we dont find for you in one month a job we will give you 120% from the money you gave to us only when we didn t provide you interviews comform your english level and experience in that sector. (i have no experience as a waiter and they send me only for bartender and waiter, i told them to find me any kind of job,not this 2)
  7. Hy. It is a big story but i will try to be as acurate i can. i signed with this agentie Escape to London (EtL) in 10/01/2016 in madrid and i arrived here in London at 2/02/2016. i camed the next they at there offices and nobody knew who i am why i camed there and bla bla bla.... after 40 min a lady camed registred me. After that they sand me for the first interview after 7 days. The interview was so strange. I get there we sit on a tabel he ask me 3 4 questions and after 5 min they told me the big word,you don t have experience .i was send as a waiter and that is true but they knew that the agentie the second interview was after 3 days and was the same exactly the same then after 6 days another interview i could not get there i try to call them back but they didn t answer and always i need to call them. they never have initiative to call me first. After the last interview a lady from the agentie call me and ask how is was and send her a message if they don t hires me. so they didn t hire me i send her the message and after 4 days no call s i call her back and she s say exacly like that. " you send me the message,o sorry i didn t read it" so right now seriosly. i have the message in my phone and contract . soory for my english and i attached the evidence.
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