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Everything posted by Bmwboy

  1. Thanks Andy, Is the best way to ask UU over the phone or email? As i am a sole earner for my family and currently only get part time hours, would i be eligible for the costs to be reduced or free due to my income if UU decline the offer to "set aside" Ill start my investigation process tomorrow. Again thanks for the help and ill try not bother you to much
  2. Hi Andy, Yes it was sent to our old address. Thats the conversation that we had with them, but they assured us that they would amend it. No Further bill them came, so i assumed it was quarterly they changed it to. In my mistake i never chased them back up from the original call we had. I imagine the entire water bill for the 4 months we where there would be would be £150 max.
  3. Thanks for the informative answer. I am young Father with two Children one 2 and one new born, I have slowly turned my financial affairs in order, taken council tax back and nearly have paid the local council what i ran up when I was younger. I am worried i have a old mobile phone contract chasing me up, at the time they would not enter a repayment plan with me. If they apply for a CCJ from what you said above i take it no matter the amount they cant enforce this? I want to pay them back, but there making it hard. As for the CCJ ill make the application as i never had it, was sent to the wrong address and i had no idea till i dared check my credit score was surprised its going up with all my payments but it showed the CCJ. I will read your link cleary and act upon it. Thanks for your reply in advance. We told them over the phone how long we would be at the property for and when we would be leaving. We initially rang up to query the large amount as we been there 3 weeks and the first bill came of £300 + hence the reason for the call.
  4. thanks for the information. Just watching a program if you cant pay we will take it away. With a CCJ can the company get a high court writ! scared out my seat now
  5. Hi all, Sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place. Things have been looking good over the last few months, i would check my credit score which was never great but was slowly improving and I have just checked and I have a CCJ on my credit score from united utilities! It says we owed them £700! we rented a house for a few months, i feel like the debt has been totalled by the next tenants that moved in and we have been left the bill. As I new nothing about this is there anything i can do to stop this and defend myself? thanks all for your help.
  6. As you had already submitted your complaint, we should have only re-served the Attachment of Earnings Order on account 70812390 and not served a new one on account 70164313. I have now sent a letter to employer2 advising them to discharge the Order on account 70164313. Thanks for the reply. From looking at a previous pay slip. The council have 1 attachment of earnings then HMRC have one for anow old crisis loan. As I now have two can two could the council at a third? From this statement Sounds like they only have 1, they could not continue from my last employer as it was taken over by another company . Can't stand how non transparent my council is.
  7. Hi all just a quick update. I have managed to speak to someone in the council and have been told that someone who is "high up" will "try" speak to me Monday. I am going to try summarize why and what information i have that proves the council could be held liable for or what circumstances they have ignored. I want to put across i want to continue to pay the debt and could the council re-take back the debt. Thanks all again for all the help.
  8. Hi all, Sorry if this is the wrong section as I am in complaint stage with the council however its about Bristow And Sutor! Last month I made a post regarding Cheshire county council sending Bristow and Sutor to the door, for non payment of previous council tax from some years ago and the direct earnings attachment they have on me. The basic post from last month was: Low Income household (2 adults 1 child aged 2, 1 adult working part time) Direct earnings attachment of £110 per month on £700 a month wage# 3 liability orders in my name and some in partners Demanding we also pay current council tax For months before the earnings attachment I was clearing the debt with small amounts each week. Balifs at the door I took the advice of forum members visited the council offices and put together a complaint which was: Laster that week I also get another letter from Cheshire east stating they would apply another direct earnings attachment, in which I sent another complaint. 2 weeks later I get the reply from the head of complaints. When we where in private accommodation we where moved around sometimes every 4 months due to landlords selling or having a baby, but yet we have been billed for 1 year at a time for some places we had been in only for months. This is not an excuse I just want someone to understand the reasons why. If anyone could guide me as what to do, as I'm not disputing that I I need to pay and I always have, I just don't have the Income to pay more or I would. I want Cheshire East Council to understand my circumstances and take ownership of the facts of what I can and can't afford to pay. Thanks for anyones time in advance.
  9. Hi all, Went to the council today and they started off unhelpful but i think a manager overheard and did lots of work for me to try resolve it. They have asked me to get an email into the complaints department. which outlines my concerns and why they should take ownership of the debt, this will also freeze any further action at this stage. I have 4 Liability orders Total of £1429. The direct earnings attachment has brought one liability order down from £997 to £331 and soon should be clear. Thanks all for your time.
  10. I only work part and my partner does not work due to the baby. My average monthly take home is £800. We get housing benefit, working tax credits and child benefit. The direct earnings attachment ment is 20% of my take-home. I have ajusted our family budget because of this 20% deduction and it's now impossible to pay any more, but they pass this on to these bailiffs
  11. I have a car cost less than £800 which I use for work, I don't want them to take it. I will go to the council tomorrow morning, I have a small child and partner that are at home I don't want them harrasing them, as far as I was concerned they take allot of money me, with the direct earnings attachment. Hope anyone can advise what I should ask the council to do. Thanks in advance
  12. Hi all, hope you can help me out. I am being chased from B&S for council tax for 3 property's (during myself and partners we where moved out due to landlords either selling property's or finding it troublesome, antisocial behaviour or violence, however we are now with the local housing trust as we have a child. Now during those 3 years we have occurred some council tax, some was billed for the entire year, some only for the months we where there. Even before B&S started chasing me, I went to the council and explained the situation, they told me to pay what i could across all the council taxes, so they gave me a bar code for the last few months would chip away at the debt, however the process of bailiffs was automatic and eventually the debt would be passed back to the council. They also told me they would apply for an earnings attachment where they would take a % directly out of my wages to cover council tax and back dated payments, and that has happend and has done for 4 months and it will continue until its paid off? Today b&s have visited with an enforcement notice.... Now I dont want to talk to b&s, infact i want to send some form of letter first calsss recorded giving them no right to access my property and also that the debt is being dealt with the council and their services are not required, from the research ive done their people have no power, and the only people with any say are high court enforcement offices? any help with letters or templates would be great!
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