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  1. Hello All. Require a bit of advice on a strange situation I find myself in. I was previously claiming Income Support as I was a single mother with 3 children (2 under 5). My partner, a full-time student with no student funding (access course), was recently made homeless and has moved in with me. I declared this change and my Income Support claim was closed as it now counts as a couple not single person. I was told to apply for JSA Income based. I applied and had my interview today. The advisor explained that I needed to look for 40 hours work and that no exception could be made for me having to care for 2 children full-time. I was told I need to attend an interview with 24 hours notice. I explained that during the week, when most interviews take place, I had no childcare at such short notice. We have no local family and a shortage of childminders in the area. I was told it was my responsibility and that if I didn't attend any interviews they arrange my benefit would be stopped. So a couple of questions if anyone can help. Is it right that they can ask my partner not to attend college so he can look after kids whilst I attend interviews? Is it right to expect someone to have instant childcare? Do childminders with flexible schedules like this exist? Anything that may help me whilst I job search? The fear of having all money stopped is pretty scary! Thanks
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