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  1. My lad got another letter dated 25th of this month but from a different firm.....Zenith Collections and the it states Notice of Debt Recovery Assignment it begins...."without prejudice" and says they're writing to my lad concerning an outstanding amount relating to a parking charge dated...on behalf of our client Parking Ticketing Ltd so it appears that Zenith are now acting for them and not DRP! it goes onto say the amount due is £149 and please accept this letter as official notification that Zenith Collections are now responsible for the recovery of this debt. "It is our intention to collect this debt and pursue it to a legal conclusion if necessary. As debt recovery has been transferred to Zenith Collections at a discounted rate, we are prepared to accept a reduced settlement figure of £99 to avoid the possible necessity and expense of court action. Please note this will be our only offer at the discounted rate and payment must be made within 14 days or will revert to the full amount. We would urge you to act now and take advantage of our discounted settlement offer of £99" gives various ways of payment..........my thoughts are they shouldn't hold their breath!! on an aside, the solicitor my lad heard on the radio was talking about the Bills of exchange act 1882 and is on a site called www.legislation.gov.uk
  2. Thanks e.b. a bit clearer now, we're 3 days over the deadline which included a weekend so lets see if a letter drops on the mat this week
  3. thanks dx but what is the freeman of the land rubbish you've mentioned? cheers
  4. thanks e.b. dx.....can you expand, I don't understand your point? cheers
  5. meant to add.... payment by the 22/7 so I'd imagine we'll see where we go in the next two weeks
  6. morning all another letter from DRP dated 08/7/16 saying because it hasn't been paid, DRP have now referred the case to the creditor with recommendation to appoint their solicitor to commence court proceedings. States... In order to comply with "pre action protocol" and to demonstrate to the court their attempts to settle this matter before the need for court proceedings, our client is prepared to accept a reduced payment of £126:65 in full and final payment lots of text follows on how to pay and then..... this is our clients final offer to settle the case....blah blah blah and it will revert back to £149:00 and the matter will be referred back to the creditor to consider court proceedings. The creditor may seek to recover additional amounts as set by the court as well as the parking charge. A court judgement against you could seriously affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. so it looks like its drawing to a close one way or another! as an aside, my lad said he listened to a radio station where a solicitor said if a debt is sold on, then that debt has actually been paid and there is no lawful recourse for any collector to then make you pay the original charge.........can anyone shed any light on that ? cheers
  7. hello all, been away for a while with the wife came back to find the son has had two letters from a firm named "Debt Recovery Plus Ltd with a contact payment number of 01302513128 First letter dated 08/6/16 is a demand for payment of an unpaid parking charge £149.00 stating the client has not been paid and the matter has been referred to DRP for collection. It goes on to state about the Supreme court landmark court decision 04/11/15 about a non payment and rabbits on for a bit, signed by James Hollins collections manager Letter two is dated 23/6/16 from the same firm stating Notice of intended court action - unpaid parking charge £149.00 goes on about the first letter and landmark court ruling, to prevent this case being recommended to the creditor to commence court proceedings, you must pay the full amount by 07/7/16 What to do if you don't pay....... ..in light of the landmark court ruling Beavis v Parking eye ltd we urge you to make contact with us without delay....... ......repeats again about non payment and recommending the creditor to commence court action. More scare tactics follow stating further costs mount up eg court fees and solicitor fees then says to see a selection of court judgements that our clients have obtained against non payers then go to WWW. debt recoveryplus.co.uk signed by Anne Stone litigation manager now I'm all for fighting but is this the LBA mentioned by dx or just another sophisticated scare letter, if the LBA comes next then what will it actually say? cheers in advance BTW, initial charge was £60 if I recall and the clowns now want £149 very busy with a return to work tomorrow so forgive me if I don't respond quickly
  8. sorry for the late reply eb, busy time with the wife.....thanks for the advice
  9. thanks but what is an LBA (hovered over the link to see its something relating to a small courts claim but that appears to be for the appellant)?
  10. good morning....it's been a while but this rumbles on Son received a letter this week from a someone called Parking Collection Services (address for payment is given as:PO Box 271 Ashton under Lyne, OL6 0DL) this is the letter verbatim minus ID: PARKING CHARGE NOTICE - £120 We are writing to you on behalf of the creditor in relation to an unpaid parking charge. We have obtained your details as you were the registered keeper/owner of the vehicle at the time of the parking event detailed. A parking charge has been issued because the vehicle was parked in a manner where the driver attracted a parking charge as brought to the drivers attention via signage and agreed to by the driver when your vehicle was parked on land managed by the creditor PARKING TICKETING LTD. Despite a Parking charge having already been issued and placed on the screen of your vehicle (or sent to you by post), we have not received payment from the driver. The opportunity to pay at the reduced amount has now passed and the full amount is now due. Full payment must be made by the driver within 28 days of the date of this letter to avoid further recovery action. ................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... There is then a payment slip below and to the right of the letter is a small area stating "operating in accordance with the British Parking Association's code of practice" The BPA logo is also shown. I followed the advice given on the site previously by EB & dx100uk and contacted the local council to see if planning permission had been granted and below is the email they sent back to me. I have searched the "Courtyard" and "Buttermarket St" and whilst there's info there relating to units there appears to be no info regarding the land itself (or a car park). This doesn't seem to be going away and I don't know if it's a game of bluff so what's the next move please? Thank you for your email The Planning Enforcement Team can only investigate a potential breach of planning control where there is some evidence to suggest that a breach has occurred. It is not the case therefore that I can speculatively undertake a planning history review to ascertain whether the activity that you have identified is operating in accordance with a planning consent The Council does provide online access to an interactive mapping facility, where planning history is available for land within the borough. Please see attached link - http://maps.warrington.gov.uk:8080/connect/planning.jsp If you identify the address in the top left hand corner and tick the planning application layer in the map legend, this should provide you with the information that you require. I hope that this is of assistance. Regards
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