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Everything posted by linksway

  1. I have initially complained to Skipton the lender, skipton confirmed it as a 99 year lease, stating if I had evidence to contrary please supply and they would review, I have supplied evidence confirmation of them stating it as UNEXPIRED 99 years and pointed out that The lease was instigated at 99 years in the 50s. As a young single buyer I used their legal services, I have the original paperwork from 1998.
  2. I did read the mortgage offer properly, it states unexpired lease 99 years, which is incorrect the houses initially had a 99 year lease and 1/2 had expired at the time my financial loss besides being unable to move my mortgage due to insufficient lease available was the thousands it cost me buying the freehold so I had mortgage flexibility and could sell the house if I so wished as buyers were unable to get a mortgage
  3. Even if I raised it at time and they obviously admit guilt by allowing me to remortgage?
  4. 2003 was when I remortgaged i paid £89K, I don’t know if that was a reduced amount due to lease, I think I may still have the sale listing advert, It was my first house and I was predominantly working in London and the house was around the corner from my parents The house is in Manchester to explain my London comment, it’s only now I am cleaning out my office and found paperwork thought that Skipton should have advised on lease as I could have cancelled purchase
  5. I don’t know regarding solicitor then, I thought the society would do there own lease search. no I believed it was 99 year lease based on mortgage offer, I only found it was less than 50 years when I tried to move supplier, as I wished to add my wife to mortgage, I couldn’t get a mortgage,I raised this with Skipton at the time and they agreed to allow me to remortgage I had no choice to do so and buy freehold to enable a move away from Skipton
  6. I used Skipton for all the legal stuff yes I have the original mortgage offer paperwork
  7. i took out a mortgage in 1998 and the mortgage offer stated my unexpired lease was 99 years, this was incorrect as the initial lease was 99 years and over 40 years had expired, this led to my not being able to change mortgage provider due to insufficient lease remaining and having to remortgage with Skipton when I married and then buy the freehold. have I grounds for complaint, I have all the original paperwork kev
  8. After 2 months from submitting my reclaim, I have "it's taking us longer " letter and right to go to ombudsman it also states 'In final response wwe may consider out of time, if you are complying about what happened more Than 6 years Ago (I had the account for 20) and more than 3 years has passed since you ought to have reasonably realised there was A problem " Is this last sentence normal?
  9. Yes They are my details I have 2 debts with PRA Each had CCA request which PRA initially stated did not recognise either card number Now I have received these 2 sheets attached to the CCA requests as a response The Morgan Stanley sheet had a covering letter quoting a different card number which I didn't recognise The sky sheet had a covering letter quoting the barclaycard number as per the CCA request ( I have this sky card on file still ) As neither of these CCA responses have a card number on them and one seems little more than a screenshot how can these be compliant with CCA request and enforceable? I only answered call to tell them they were in breach as no CCA
  10. Having received a call from PRA and highlighting no CCA I have received the 2 replies as complying with CCA request. neither copy is for a Barclaycard ( however assume that Barclaycard has acquired from original lender) Neither copy has any card ref and the covering letter has a card ref I don't recognise and is most certainly not what any current debit is against One seems to be a screenshot simply containing personal info stamped by Sky! any advice? PRA CCA 15 JULY1.pdf pra CCA2 15 JULY (2).pdf
  11. Thanks DX http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?437142-CCA-replies....-What-s-the-difference&p=4654573#post4654573
  12. this was the thread I was basing the signature requirement on, CCA-replies....-What-s-the-difference&p=4654573 Not disputing this just want to avoid my confusion when other CCA copies arrive, as initially was just looking for my signature
  13. So Halifax do not have to have a copy with my signature, even though it's before 2006, I thought there was a ruling that only post 2006 reconstituted without signature was enforceable There is no dates on the edges of the agreement, I tried to ensure nothing was cropped
  14. CCA attached from 2004, its reconstituted and unsigned unsigned 2004 CCA .pdf
  15. I thought pre 2006 had to be original signed copy?
  16. Credit Card Account number ************0610 0 Account start date 13/07/2004 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default 02/04/2014 Default balance £ 557 Reply from Halifax CCA Enclosed signed statement of account Reconstituted version of current T&C Reconstituted version of original executed agreement. So as no original signed agreement, my question is am I within my rights to place in despute??
  17. We have already sent a postal order, which they acknowledge receipt of as above
  18. Thanks DX, will we have to start again now they have destroyed payment?
  19. General question My wife has a 2002 capital 1 card still in maiden name ( we have only been married 14 years!!) never defaulted She sent CCA request Response was send marriage certificate - makes sense On back was " please note where there is no sum which is, or will, or may become payable under the credit agreement, then the obligation to provide documentation under section 78 of CCA 1974 does not apply. If you have a closed, settled or partially settled account with C1 then we have no obligation to provide you with a copy of the documents you have requested. I acknowledge receipt of your £1 cheque ( it was a PO). As we are not providing any documents, this cheque will be safely destroyed and will not be cashed. I apologise for any convenience this may have caused and I hope we can move on from here." I haven't seen this on the forum threads I have read, so we are unsure of what action to take
  20. If I do so, will the clock reset? If I don't need to and the time is up I am loath to allow them leeway
  21. Second reply to CCA Tesco reply "Unfortunately you have not provided a signature as authority to allow us to continue with your request, please return a copy of this letter with the correct signature " as I have read on this forum, signature not required, in fact don't sign, should I respond as such or just mark as in despute and Tesco should know the requirement?
  22. Do I need to respond at all or just ignore as in disputes as no CCA? Re the respond my thought was send reply no refs, include copy of their letter, which has no refs, stating until CCA complied, disputed. So have clear audit trail and they should not be passing debt on?
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