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  1. Im literally not driving it anywhere at the moment, I have heard horror stories about Moneybarn informing the police that the car is stolen and it can be taken off you that way...
  2. They informed me that as long as the car is on my driveway that they cannot take it, but as soon as I try to drive it they can.
  3. yes of course! So sorry I forgot to reply to that earlier. Ok, I read on the forums previously that if you apply to the courts for a Time Order, the courts usually grant you the time to pay back the outstanding amount over a certain period of time. I actually wanted them to grant this even though I can pay the outstanding payment straight away. It would just mean that I would have them on side and they could also instruct Moneybarn to reinstate the agreement as long as no other payments were missed. The court returned my form stating that they couldn't help me due to me receiving a termination notice from Moneybarn. I have a feeling that they didn't read the information throughly enough as if they had they would have seen that I didn't get any prior notification that this was the case, and that they were chasing for one outstanding payment.
  4. Thank you for your reply - It is a conditional sale agreement, and I paid one month up front to start the agreement,. that was paid in November 2014. There is 2 years to go on it, and we have paid under one third of the total due. Thank you
  5. Hi all, Need some advice please... Details are as follows... I took out a finance agreement for a car with MoneyBarn in Nov 2014. Made all payments up until June 2015 which was missed (an error on my part which I never noticed). Every subsequent payment made successfully. Monday Feb 1 I have a knock on the door with 2 bailiffs requesting to take my car there and then. They showed me on an iPhone a copy of the termination notice which was the first time I had laid eyes on anything like that. I telephoned MoneyBarn immediately to ask what was going on, they told me the car was being repossessed for that one missing payment from June 2015. I had the funds to pay in then and there, and requested to do so, but the rep said it was all too late. I asked why they hadn't contacted me at all about this, and their response was that they had written to me and called me on my mobile and home phone numbers and had left messages. I have CATEGORICALLY not received any correspondence from MoneyBarn regarding a missed payment, and I have categorically not received any emails, phone calls, phone messages or calls or voice mails on my mobile. This was a bolt from the blue. I refused to let the bailiffs take the car. On Wed 3 Feb (2 days later) I receive a letter from MoneyBarn stating that agreement has been terminated. This is the first correspondence I have ever received from them. I do some research on the internet and apply to the County Court at Maidstone for a Time order. This is turned down on the grounds that the agreement was already terminated So where do I go now? This is so unfair. I am easily able to pay the monthly premiums, and offered to on my first phone call to MoneyBarn. I don't want to lose the car as it is in negative equity by I estimate £5-8k. Thanks in advance for any advice. Regards, Sam
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