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  1. It appears one of those email address is no longer valid. It appears I cannot post email addresses, so have left out the at sign below.
  2. Thanks. I have sent the following email to all the email addresses provided. Let's hope I get a decent reply.
  3. All, I have submitted the Vodafone form as per instructions in the sticky. The reference number is: WRT135 [#12503927]
  4. Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me out with a dispute I am having with VF. To try keep this brief, I will put it down in timeline form. This information is based on the transcipts I requested from VF. 14/10/2014 - I received a call from VF sales team saying that I was a Gold Customer and as such I was being offered a 24 Month, 8GB, IPad Air contract for only £8.50 a month. I double checked the price and details and said that I would accept the offer. I was informed I had 2 weeks to cancel if I wanted to. 26/10/2014 - I phoned VF to confirm contract details (as I was sceptical) and was told the contract was for £32.50 (full price) and that there was no mention of either a gold customer special or £8.50 offer. I requested they investigate and they said they raised a sales assurance request and they would reply within 2 weeks. They confirmed the cancellation period was still in effect until the query was resolved. 09/11/2014 - I phoned VF to enquire about the sales assurance request and they informed me the team dealing with them was backlogged and they could not provide me with a timeline as to when they will be able to respond. 29/12/2014 - I phoned VF to enquire about the sales assurance request and was told that a sales assurance request was not the correct request and that they have raised a call listening request which would take 3-5 days. 29/12/2014 - VF SMS'ed me to the iPad informing me that I had been misadvised and "they cannot honour the contract". Unfortunately, I was not using the iPad at this point until I could resolve the issue, so did not received the SMS. 05/01/2015 - I phoned VF to find out the result of the call listening and was informed that "they cannot honour the contract" (apparently, contracts are binding to the consumers but VF can cancel them anytime they wish). I agreed to return the iPad but pointed out that the iPad had a scratch on it (iPad Air was very flimsy) and that I wanted a full refund due to them messing me around so much. I was told I would have to raise the complaint once iPad returned. I organised a return for 06/01/2015 and agreed I would be home. 11/01/2015 - I phoned VF to query why the iPad was not collected. They said it was scheduled to be collected on 13/01/2015 (a full week after the agreed date). On the transcipts, they only submitted the collection request on the 10/01/2015, 4 days after the agreed collection date. I informed them that I cannot be at home on the 10/01/2015 and requested they change the date. They said that it was already processed and that "I must wait for the DPD colllection". 18/01/2015 - I used the online chat to contact VF complaints department. After repeating this entire timeline again to them, they informed me that they can cancel the contract but I was not eligible for a refund for costs to date. So, the 100 odd pounds they had overcharged me would not be refunded regardless of the fact that they took over 3 months to determine that they cannot honour the contract they offered. 19/01/2015 - I requested VF provide me with all the information they had on my accounts to allow me to prepare to take them to small claims court. Apologies for the long post, but I wanted to emphasis that I tried my best to sort this out at the time and VF failed to deliver any proof nor did they do anything that would result in a satisfying response. I realise that was just over a year ago, but I have been renovating my house for the last year and did not have the time nor patience to tackle VF. I have not been using the iPad air at all during this time, but have been paying the monthly contract fees of £33 (it seems to have gone up by £0.50 on top of everything else). What I would like from VF is a full refund, them to collect the iPad from a location and time of my choice, and an apology for their incompetence during this entire ordeal. I am happy to take this through to small claims court, but would prefer a simpler solution. I have seen the VF Sticky at the top of this forum and will be following it's advice once I have a post to reference. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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