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Everything posted by pnewby060

  1. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me and give me advice on this site. This service and generosity of the people who run it are outstanding and we both thank you for all your help. As far Bailiff Advice you have been a true guide for me through this process and thank you so much. I will keep you updated about how I will be making payment on Wednesday 3rd Feb and hopefully will not be posting saying I have been ripped off in some way Thank you. I have made a small donation for these services as a way to show my thanks.
  2. Well, I have rang the courts and got some interesting details. 1. We have found out that the TV Licence has been coming off her benefits when we presumed this was just an outstanding loan from the DWP so really she has been classed as knowing about the debt and has made payment towards it therefore the SD would have been a no go anyway. 2. They say the debt passed onto Marstons was in total of £350 so presume the rest is for fees etc. 3. My daughter had her benefits stopped in September last year due to the DWP thought she had a partner living with her. In December after a long fight she won her case and got her money backdated and her benefits re-instated. Found out the reason the bailiffs have been involved is that she was paying this direct from her benefit when she was claiming (We though it was a loan of some sort from DWP paying back). So when this stopped it triggered no payments and hence bailiffs. I suppose we could bring this into consideration by stating that the DWP stopped her benefit and it was out of her control, but also found out the DWP were in the wrong and not her, but we wont as we want this paid regardless as we dont want the fuss of it now. 4. Been on phone to bailiff and confirmed that I will be paying on Wed moning in full and I can make a payment to himself at my house or do it online through Marstons. Just clicked on, 685 Total debt asked for = 375 Original debt from courts + 235 Agent to take control of goods + 75 Enforcement notice.
  3. I would like to thank you in looking into this matter for me, I do appreciate it and I am currently in the process of phoning the court. I will let you know what is happening very shortly, but I think I will just ending up paying it and get it over and done with. One thing before i go, should I pay the money direct to the bailiff or go the court and just get a receipt off one of them ? Thank you very much.
  4. Thank you for replying. Just to confirm, did you daughter receive all of the notices from the court about the Metro fine? - She recalls one but honestly does not remember, hence why this is on her and why we aren't really disputing this one. Do you have any idea how much each fine was? - Just text the bailiff that question and he will tell me tomorrow, he also says that it is put on hold for a couple of more days due to a 7 day extension to put the stat dec in. How much are Marston's asking for? - £685.00. To be honest I have the money on Wednesday morning in full if required as my daughter has a baby and I don't want her hassled by these bailiffs when she is by herself with her baby. It was just if we can get the TV licence sorted out it might be a little chunk off the total balance. Is it worth paying the balance with these and then appealing after just to get them off our back. Also if I were to pay the balance can I pay them at my house and not my daughters as I will be paying it. Do I just give the bailiff the money and request a receipt or would you suggest another way? Thank you once again
  5. Also to enquire about the fines themselves can the courts explain exactly what debts they are and the amounts or will only the bailiff be able to tell you?
  6. In regards to approach the court, would that mean by means of going there in person and speaking with the fines officer?
  7. Thank you for taking the time in looking at this. Regarding the list to what she has received she has NOT had any of them apart from the final notice I mentioned. The metro fines have been off more than 3 years ago but these she does owe the money. The reason nothing has been received by my daughter is that she has only really had a flat of her own for the past 10 month, and these metro fines were sent way before this probably to 'care of' addresses where she has been stopping. But as regarding the tv licence they say they were as far back as 2012 but considering that she has only had a flat of her own for the past 10 month then this puzzles me. I must say my daughter is in the wrong for these metro fines and we will gladly pay but the tv licence we are unsure about.
  8. Hi, I have a question regarding Marstons Bailiffs, I am acting on behalf of my daughter here. Marstons have pushed a red letter saying final notice and that they will be bringing a locksmith and gave her 24 hours to raise £685 or they will enter and take belongings. I myself rang the bailiff and offered no payment plan at all and that he will come to collect the following day. The following day I rang the magistrates court at South Tyneside and found out that the fines were for 1. Non payment of metro fines. 2. Non payment of TV Licence. For the metro fines we are willing to pay that but have not had the chance too as he wont take payments. As for the TV licence my daughter has had no letters or anything stating she had to go to court or to enter a plea. She has had nothing at all. I then asked about the signed declaration on the phone regarding the TV licence and asked if we could swear we havent recieved any mail so we could act upon this. She told me that you cannot do this no more as the law has changed. So she then replied that even if the TV licence was delayed and given the chance to defend herself, the Metro fines would still stand and the bailiffs would still come. She then gave us 7 days to sort this statement out with North Tyneside Magistrates. I have sent that magistrates an email regarding that we would like to do this and what to do next. The problem is now we have til Wed 3rd Feb 2016 til the bailiffs may come back as the 7 days were up. We are in a position now that time is running out and we dont know how to go about the declaration regarding the tv licence. For the metro fines we have the money and are willing to pay, but the tv licence we are asking to be given more time to pay as we have had no warning. I was wondering do I go to courts and see the fines officer, phone the bailiff (Which is no good as it's like getting blood out of a stone). I have offerd the bailiff £500 to cover the fines even though I dont know the full amount of just the metro fines alone without the tv licence and he outright refused and have saved the text message with this conversation just incase. I have also emailed Marstons themselves pleading that i require more time and set up a payment plan but no response. I am just wondering if I could ask for some advice on perhaps any next steps to take regarding paying the metro fines off and getting this sworn statement for the tv licence or my current rights if I have any regarding the bailiffs entering. I have the final notice if required to look at. I thank you for looking and I hope someone could aid us in this matter and please ask any questions that are required.
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