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  1. Very seriously folks, there is long long recorded history of corporate sweetners being given to "advisers". of different companies, who receive such outstanding renumeration that it just might cloud their judgement on occasions (cough). That's why the amount of perks and pay is quite important.
  2. Who pays his bus fare to meetings then Seriously my first question was "What's stopping Marstons or others adding further "admin fees" further down the line ? What's stopping the bankers and debt collecters tweeking the rules at any time, to further their profit from you.?
  3. Is Marc an advocate of transparency in banking and debt companies? Then surely if he is, he would willingly tell us how much he is being paid by Marstons. Maybe it's just me, but if a guy runs a consumer help group about debt, but gets paid xxxxx amount by a company that the site receives complaints about, it obviously would cause concern about conflict of interest. Would it not ?
  4. Firstly as Marc is an adviser of Marstons, it would "help" me to understand why no one tells a Stepchange customer that "admin" fees are sky high when the banks hand over the debts to companies like Marstons. And what is stopping Marstons from passing these debts on again to put customers even further in debt. What's stopping them ?
  5. Would be interested to know if Shirlthegirlx had any success in writing off her debts. But I wouldn't bet on it, and like her, I'd be very hesitant to share such personal banking information on a website. No matter what anyone says, hackers, banksters, HMRC can all snoop on you and do it legally or illegally. Atos for instance use Hacking Team technology. Oh yes they do, just go and look on wikileaks No such thing as a secure website. to my problem with Stepchange, and Citizens Advice Bureau, who direct you to Stepchange. Stepchange are backed by the banks, CAB don't tell you that, (NOT A WORD)and are NOT independent good-guys who understand the awful, deceitful, deliberately confusing gobbledygook that is DESIGNED to get people into debt bondage. No they are an integral part of this stinking capitalist grab everything culture, we now live in. And at the other end are companies like Marstons Debt Collections, a multi national company who receive contracts from the HMRC and banks then charge extortionate "admin" fees to bury any hope a debtor has. The Advisory Group of these include Elizabeth Filkin OBE, an ex Citizen Advice Bureau cheif., and Marc Gander who runs this website. How much do they pay you Marc ?
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