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Everything posted by pcrdaddy

  1. Hi Dx Thanks for your reply. Should i put in my defence straight away or wait for the information to come or time to expire? I really am going to need something to copy and paste as a defence as trying to go through it with the jargon i could easily mess it up. Thank you for your continued help i wouldn't know where to start on my own, Do you think i should inform my employer of this fraud and the situation i find myself in with the threat of a CCJ, If i don't and it all goes belly up i am straight out of a job I will be making a complaint to them as well in hope of taking it to regulator over the 2 hours of treatment i was subjected to when i made it clear i was a victim of fraud, The way they conducted themselves was shocking and the things being said to me were just outrageous I know something for certain once this is over and done with ill be doing what i do best building a website and exposing this call that was recorded to the world. Thanks
  2. Hi Dx Thanks for your reply, Don't say that i've just had right hassle printing it off lol I had calls from hoist in the past but told them to remove my number which they did and never heard from them. Sorry what do you mean mention of numbers in POC? What i wrote above from POC is exactly how its written on the form word for word. I moved address Feb 2015 so don't know if they sent letters after that point but they seem to found my new address Thanks
  3. Thanks DX All sorted CPR 31:14 now complete ready to send. Going to print it all off now and get it ready for wife to send tomorrow via recorded delivery. Thanks PCR
  4. That's all done just a re-cap AOS - Completed CCA Request - Completed What about the request to see copies if they exist of Default Notice, Assignment of debt, Yearly Statements Thank You PCR
  5. The AOS all done Just amending CCA request will leave RE: blank until i know what account/ref to use
  6. Thanks DX Its asking for refrence number of account i donk know this, Would it be ok to use my name address and their claim number?
  7. Thanks Dx Just in middle of doing the CCA request am i right in saying i use s78 in my circumstances? By issueing the CCA request would this also cover the default notice and the yearly account statements?? I have no documentation what so ever to defend myself Thank You PCR
  8. Name of the Claimant Hoist Portfolio Date of issue 6th Jan 2016 What is the claim for: 1. The claim is in the sum of £233.30 being monies due from defendant in respect of goods supplied by JD williams and company limited (EX JD WILLIAMS) The debt was legally assigned by JD Williams and company limited (EX JD WILLIAMS) to the claimant and notice has been served. 2.The defendant defaulted with payment and is liable, The claimant claims (1) the sum of £233.30 (2) Interest pursuant to s69 of county courticon act 1984 at a rate of 8.00 percent from the 10/08/11 to the date here of 1606 is the sum of £82.07 (3) Future interest accruing at daily rate of £.05 (4) Costs What is the value of the claim? £400.37 What Is Claim For Alleged Catalogue Goods When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? I never entered agreement fraud alledged 2011 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim Hoist Portfolio Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did NOT receive this document Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year No Never Why did you cease payments? Didn't Make any payments at all What was the date of your last payment? N/A Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes, I told them back in 2011 it was fraud they didnt act or do nothing. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan NO
  9. Good Evening Forum. I wonder if you can please help me i got court papers in the post from a company called howard cohen in relation to another company called hoist portfolio. The claim forms say its in respect of an alleged debt to JD Williams back in 2011 for £233.30 but there claim including costs and interest is £400.37 I remember back in to 2011 to receiving statements from this company even though i never had an account, I contacted the company to which they said goods had been delivered and signed for, I disputed this as i work all the time and so does my wife and nobody is home all day to which they disbelieved me and continued to send correspondence to my home. I continued to ignore them as i believed they had the wrong person or made some sort of error, The issue went away until i started receiving debt letters i contacted these companies to explain it had nothing to do with me and to stop contacting me. I didn't hear nothing for years up till Friday when i received court papers claiming i owe this money. I contacted Hoist portfolio and whilst talking to them i went into a police station as they were adamant i owed it and received the goods, Whilst they were still on the line on hold trying to find more info i explained to the police officer that allegedly goods were sent to my home address to which i never received. I was abit disappointed that the police would not take this seriously they said that no crime had been committed against me and it was up to the person who sent the goods to report it. Hoist were still on the line when i left the station and observed what had been said and i relayed it once again back to them that its up to them to report this to the police to which they said they would NOT be doing. I was very annoyed at this point as i feel i have been a victim of fraud and hoist could see i was trying to get this sorted and attempt to get the police to investigate this. I have asked Hoist for all the paperwork relating to this account the original agreement along with delivery signatures and date of delivery so i can get my work to go back and check my rota for that date and year. They said they would put the account on hold for 8 weeks till they can request this information from the client. I feel all this is unjust i have been a victim of fraud and being treated like a common criminal whilst trying to deal with them they kept saying you owe it no compassion that i am a victim of a crime, They are not even going to investigate what i am saying to them its on hold only for them to get paperwork to send me. Whilst reading around the internet i see people sending them requests for agreements and default notices in my situation its fraud should i still request this information from them, Rather than allowing them 8 weeks should i start the ball rolling to give them 12+2 to send it instead? I feel i have run out of options to prove i have not received these goods as police not interested even manager my call was escalated to kept saying you could of got somebody to receive the goods whilst you were at work implying i could of got somebody else to steal them absolutely absurd, 2 hours i was on the phone to them on friday. I am just a typical family man on crap wages trying to support my young family and i really do not need this as i work in an industry where a CCJ would destroy your career, Potentially from this i could lose my job & my home as i earn just enough to keep head above water. I feel my only route is one that others use in relation to default notices and CCA requests i feel i should not have to do this as its fraud but do you think i should as i got no other option? These court papers have the 6th Jan dated on them, The information i will type below that's in particulars of claim. "The claim is in the sum of £233.30 being monies due from defendant in respect of goods supplied by JD Williams and company limited (EX JD WILLIAMS) The debt was legally assigned by JD Williams and company limited (EX JD WILLIAMS) to the claimant and notice has been served. The defendant defaulted with payment and is liable, The claimant claims (1) the sum of £233.30 (2) Interest pursuant to s69 of county court act 1984 at a rate of 8.00 percent from the 10/08/11 to the date here of 1606 is the sum of £82.07 (3) Future interest accruing at daily rate of £.05 (4) Costs I really do not know what to do, I have the call from friday recorded all 2 hours of it as my phone auto records all calls in and out, I was thinking of raising a complaint to regulator along with sending them the call as the stuff that was being suggested to me after i told them i was a victim of fraud and going into police station whilst they were still on the phone they still suggested i was in cahoots with these apparent goods that's been allegedly delivered. I moved into the old property around about 6 months prior to getting the statements from Jd Williams and the area is drug ridden and theft constantly on daily basis and i am sure people knew myself or partner would not be there in the daytime. Hoist told me i was responsible for checking my credit file, I explained i have never done that as i don't live above my means and have no reason to, But i think it maybe in hindsight now to get a copy to see what other things could be potentially on it. Sorry for such long post i wanted to get the facts out, I would be so grateful if somebody could help me as i cannot afford to take time off work or a solicitor and feel this company is trying it on as they have told me to forget about the court papers for now whilst its on hold for 8 weeks but i have a feeling deep down that they could just get the court order by default, Thank you for reading my post All the best Pcr
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