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  1. In the job centre today, the lady on the desk told me I can’t apply for esa again because I’m still on it until it gets transferred to jsa and its 6 months from that date? Is she lying? and my assesment was on the 23rd july so i would have to wait until the 23 january anyway? thanks
  2. Hi all My name is James and I am new here, I have been using Google search and so many posts have been linked here so I thought I could ask for advice before heading to my local cab on Saturday. I was originally on Incapacity benefit until July 2015 and also still on dla until I get called in for a pip assessment, which I’m not looking forward too. I suffer with epilepsy, it started when I was doing my gcse’s which was very bad timing. I had an mri scan and was informed I had a brain tumour on my temporal lobe area, which Is located on my short term memory part of the brain. I am on two types of medication for the epilepsy. The main problem I am left with is my memory the fits are not bad now and I don’t go unconscious but I do get that feeling it’s going to happen. I was told years ago at the epilepsy clinic by an epilepsy psychologist I will find it almost impossible to hold down a job because of my poor memory and effects it has on my moods. This was a while ago mind and my memory has gone worse. I also suffer with depression, panic attacks, anxiety, constant headaches, psoriasis (daily treatment at hospital) waiting for results on psoriatic arthritis as my joints have been really hurting me but it could also be through high stress levels so I will have to wait until march for the results, I am mostly blind in my right eye from birth On the medical notes it is down as musculoskeletal problem, Neurological Problem, Mental health problem, psoriasis. Visual problem, asthma Well I was last assessed back in 2010 and failed the atos medical with o points so it ended up in the tribunal and I won and they apologised for going this far, I didn’t have no joint issues, psoriasis bad mental health problems compared to what I have now. Well I had a letter in June 2015 about a new medical assessment meeting on 23rd July 2015. Well of course I got 0 points and ask for review but again they never changed their mind. I applied for the tribunal and had doctors sick notes every month which one is still valid until February I also noticed on my bank statement it was esa now and not incapacity benefit. I went to the tribunal on the 5th January 2016, they told me they never received any additional information but they will photocopy it and present it so I am not sure they even looked at it, the additional information was sick notes, psoriasis appointments every day, dermatology department appointment with phototherapy, Rheumatology appointment for my arthritis, counselling letter as I am feeling very low at the moment and none of this is helping. Well they never gave me a decision there an then but I got a letter today saying I am fit for work and was given 6 points for getting about, nothing to do with epilepsy effecting me or me having part of my brain being taken away meaning memory is awful (I have had help typing this up), my movement of joints. I have sent of a letter asking for the statement of reasons and record of proceedings, my questions are do they ignore the addition information I supplied that day even though I sent copies of 3 weeks ago and if nothing about my poor memory and epilepsy isn’t mentions can I appeal to the upper tier if they ignored my additional information? I was told I needed to go to the job centre and apply for jsa but I can’t cope with work, I know I can’t plus my sick note is still valid. I also am confused about trying to apply for esa again is it from the date of the atos examination in July or the tribunal date (2 days ago) as I know its 6 months from one of those dates? Also if I get my hospital records and see that a professor from the epilepsy clinic said I will find it too hard to hold a job with my condition would that help? Many thanks all
  3. I have read many things on this forum so decided to join, thanks for having me
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