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Everything posted by slick2444

  1. Thanks for your reply. The shortfall has been paid by myself and my ex partner at different times over the last few years - currently at around £20 a month. We do discuss this and things are amicable between us having both remarried and moved on with our lives except for this issue which ties us financially. When we split up she stayed in the property and I paid toward the mortgage until the point when she realised that she would be in a better financial situation to move into rented property and receive financial support/benefits towards this. She dropped the keys off and walked away. I engaged with the NR/NRAM (cant remember which) about signing the property over to me - the issue being that there was a CCJ charging order in her name on the property which would not allow me to do so. I was prepared to take on the mortgage and associated debt but having to pay off an additional 5k was a bridge too far for me. Initally I rented the property without the lenders consent and did so for a couple of years but maintenance and problems with tenants made this more of a headache than it was worth - granted I saved more money than if it were empty but I was still down. At this point I walked away and the property was repossessed. My ex partner has sought independent advice and she seems to think that she can offer somewhere in the region of 5-6k and that will be her out of the whole situation and the remainder of the debt will rest with me. I do not believe that this is the case and have told her so - the debt is joint - my impression is that the bank does not care where the money comes from as long as it comes - I have pleaded with her not to make any payments like this because it will likely just be knocked off the total she will remain in the situation and the game will continue - I said that surely if what she has been told is true then I could just simply trump her offer by £500 and then she is the one that the remainder will be sought from. At the root of this I believe there is some feeling that I may stitch her up in some way which is not true, I never have, but I also believe there are external influences she talks about the fear of her parents having their house visited by high court bailiffs and the debt going to them or onto her husbands property where she lives now. All these things I have tried to explain will not happen. My plan is to offer a F&F settlement of around 20% and go from there. As the debt shows as 2 separate debts on my CRA file should I pursue each one individually? Letters I receive just show one outstanding total. How should I go about the reclaiming process? Would it be a CCA request or SAR request? Sorry for the long post. Regards S
  2. Thanks for reading. I have an outstanding debt (mortgage shortfall) following voluntary repossession. This was originally with N Rock - Together mortgage. Then NRAM. Now Whistletree. The debt is split into 2 entries on my CRA file. 1st = 30k. 2nd = 10k. The 6 year default period expires August 2021 when they will disappear from my CRA file - I understand that the debt still needs to be paid after this period of time. At present there is a payment of £20 a month going towards the debt. My intention is to make a full final settlement offer against this debt. Can I make an offer against each debt individually? Maybe a daft question but am I right in thinking that both of these debts are now unsecured? Seeing as there is no house anymore to secure them to? I do not own another property. I have no assets in my name. My wife owns the property I live in now. Is there any point in making a CCA request on the debt of 10k? If I make a SAR request can I request or claim for deductions on the debt from missed payments and costs incurred during the Repossession or has this ship already sailed? The debt is joint owned between me and an ex partner. Any advice on the best way to approach this would be appreciated. Regards S
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