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Everything posted by Caligulazbaby

  1. Wow, thank you guys for all the responses. I didn't think much would come of this given it's one of those "big business v's the little guy" situations but it seems like I might be able to make a difference here. Pretty much this yes except I requested another replacement sim card 17/08 after being told the first time was unsuccessful. Also I know Lee said it was 4 days between each contact with livechat but I'm almost 100% sure it was at least a week as I remember thinking, "If it takes them over a week to not send this SIM then I've just paid £10~ for nothing!" Anyhoo not sure the time between contacts is going to make any difference. Thank you for the links silverfox, which of the 2 forms should I send off? The last time I posted here there was a pop-up suggesting I complain to Wycliffe house, Cheshire along with a phone number which I ignored because basically in a big business v's the little guy battle a letter of complaint is going to get laughed at but with your incredibly helpful post and the others in this thread, along with the excellent advice I have no fear and will begin to puruse this. Don't worry I've no interest in bargaining with vodafone, I don't need money and they can't really offer me anything else I'd be interested in other than what the heck happened to my account!! I really hope it's some massive criminal scandal, like organised crime and that I get to help smash it! lol Thank you for the heads up. Worry not, I'm pretty safe when it comes to credit ratings lol.
  2. Hi guys just thought I'd offer an update. I received this reply from vodafone a week or so ago, So yes they basically admitted making a massive mistake which left me with no service....but then made demands for money lol. Also, as you can see, there was absolutely no information about the criminal activity or fraud that had clearly taken place. Me being unable to log into my online vodafone account? My contract number not being recognised any longer? Vodafone employees lifting restrictions on foreign calls and premium rate numbers after 4-5 months of bills not being paid on the account? Quite clearly "my" new vodafone SIM card, under "my" new number being sent to someone who wasn't me? Thank you for clearing these matters up Lee. Kind regards buddy, kind regards indeed.
  3. Thank you fkofilee, as expected it's been 5 days and no reply from anyone, I had even sent an email to their "support" team. I've been through some of the other threads in this forum and it seems fairly evident that vodafone are truely awful lol. I will email all of those address you gave me and wait a week for no reply. What's the next step? Watchdog? (is Watchdog still running?) Trading standards?
  4. Hello CitizenB thank you for the advice. My reference number is #12279102.
  5. I started an 18 month contract with vodafone about 12 months ago. I lost my phone and asked for a replacement sim card twice (via online live chat) and was sent nothing. For months now I have been charged for this contract even though I haven't been sent a sim card to use the number I'm suppose to be paying for! Absolutely nobody from vodafone will speak to me via any support channels and still, every month, without fail, I am being charged for my contract! Now listen to this part. I receive 2 e-mails from vodafone a few weeks ago saying the barr on calls abroad and calls to premium rate numbers have been lifted. For 6 months my monthly bill increased, on December 3rd it was £188. January 3rd (since the foreign calls being lifted) it is now £366. Surely this is some sort of fraud right? Some sort of criminal activity is going on here???? I've even tried calling my number and it doesn't exist, I am unable to log into my vodafone account either lol. I'm a logical guy and can only come to a single conclusion but I would happily be corrected if another explaination comes to light. It would appear one or both of these live chat employees have hijacked my account. They have sent a replacement sim card under a different phone number to one of their friends and because they are vodafone employees they will have been able to access my account to lift these 2 account barrs for calls abroad and premium rate numbers which they have spent December abusing. This is the only logical thing I can think of which explains the series of events that have unfolded over the past 6 months and I'm pretty sure this is fraud and cyber crime.
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