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  1. Hi all Just need some valuable insight about the above PCN I received last week. I had an interview at one of the World Business Centres near Heathrow Airport at Newall Road. I was driving down from Luton, and was quite stressed about the interview. I parked my car at a private building next to the world business centre as parking at the centre was controlled by barriers. I forgot to check the parking fee and parked my car on one of the slots in that private building area. When I returned back in 45 mins after the interview there was a purple colour notice pasted on my windscreen to pay £45 within 21days or £90 within 28days. I did manage to catch hold of the parking attendant who issued the penalty and he did mention that he would not be able to destroy the notice as it was centrally operated. I have tried to go online as mentioned on the notice but the website seems to not work. I have read a few forums online about disregarding these notices as they are not legal notices? Before I would want to spend £45 for nothing, can someone guide me if I will get way by not paying the fine? Hope to hear from someone, Many thanks LK
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