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Everything posted by triageuk

  1. I have had a final resolution. They apologised but were not aware of the circumstances. They agreed it was staute barred and have no copy of the original agreement. All collection activities will cease immediately and the case will be closed.
  2. They have written back to me. They have placed all activities on hold and are "looking into it". They have sent me information on their complaints procedure and how to complain to the fos, csa e.t.c. so awaiting further contact at the moment
  3. Thanks guys, DX apologies if I broke the rules posting the template, I can see it was removed above.
  4. In looking for a basic template on Google The Money Saving Expert Forums came up with a hybrid that I used. I would post a link to it but I am unable to as a new user. The template I used is below. I will get back to you guys with a response (if and when I get one). [edit]The bolding does not show up on the one below[/edit] “ [removed] - dx Thanks again
  5. Thank you again Neil6534. I will send them a ststute barred email now.
  6. Hi Neil6534, Thanks for the response. I thought that initially, then I was worried if that seems to suggest I am admitting it is my debt but it is statute barred. Or does that make no difference? As it is statute barred does that mean they can not put negative stuff on my credit file? Thanks again for the help
  7. Hi Guys, I am slightly confused as to what to do. I will explain the situation below and then explain the confusion. Any help/advice would be more than appreciated. I received a phone call yesterday on my mobile phone from a lady called AMY from the "PRA Group". She claims that I have a "G.E.Capital bank store credit card" debt of £310.91. I am not aware of this debt and told her as such. She told me that I apparently took this agreement out in 2002 and that they had owned the debt (as mckenzie hall) since 2007. She told me that after the name change/merge all files were being revisited. I advised this was the first I had heard about it and took the relevant details and told her I would be writing/emailing them shortly. I have looked through my records and I definitely have no records relating to this. I have even gone onto my credit report and nothing there shows any reference to a g.e.capital account, mckenzie hall account or a PRA Group account. As far as I am aware I have never had such a debt nor never even been contacted about such a debt. I was going to send them a prove it letter, however, this is where the confusion lies, after reading some posts on here it seems to suggest it is also statute barred (if it exists at all). What is the best way to proceed? Should I send a prove it letter? A Statute barred letter? or a combination of both? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards
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