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Everything posted by Kxo

  1. Kxo


    Always, haha! I didn't know that. What happens if you temporarily move to a different benefit or sign off and sign back on again at a later date?
  2. Kxo


    Hi, sorry, I completely forgot to update! Basically what happened is, I phoned the DWP on the Tuesday and whoever I spoke to couldn't personally lift the sanction, so he put in a request for a reconsideration and someone phoned me back later that day. She lifted the sanction, but said it happened in the first place because I didn't reply to a letter... except, last time they sent me letters (3 in one week) I replied in writing to all 3 and also phoned them and they said I didn't have to keep responding. So, that was confusing. I'm nearing the end of my extended period of sickness, but lucky for me, I got another letter in last week saying that I had completed my time with Ingeus so I no longer need to go back. Thank god!
  3. Kxo


    I think they employ [removed] over at the DWP. I've been reported several times by my Ingeus adviser (through no fault of my own) and have written back to the DWP and also phoned them. When I explained over the phone that I was currently unwell and handing in fit notes, the woman looked up my file and confirmed this was true. Weird that they didn't bother to check this before sanctioning me. I will try and find an email and get something done about this. Most annoying thing is that I can't phone until Tuesday because of the bank holiday
  4. Kxo


    Do you know how I'd go about doing that?
  5. Kxo


    I think I posted her a few weeks ago saying that my payment wasn't in my bank account because the jobcentre "misplaced" my fit note, so I had to go back to my GP, get a replacement, hand it into the jobcentre and wait a few days to be paid. This morning, I checked my account, expecting to see my payment, but it's not there. I get a letter in saying I won't be paid from the 11th of March until the 5/6th of April because I "failed to comply" even though I filled out the JSA28 form and have been handing in fit notes for the past two months. I'm guessing this all leads back to Ingeus and my adviser constantly reporting me for missing appointments that I didn't need to attend. I have written several letters to the DWP, explaining my situation, and also have phoned them a few times to clear up the confusion - they were apologetic on the phone and cleared the red flag/complaint from my file and that was it, supposedly. But, I tried to phone them again just now and I can't because it's a bank holiday weekend I'm not one for name calling, but I'm getting really fed up with this b**** at Ingeus throwing tantrums and reporting me every week.
  6. Kxo


    I'm 99.9% positive that my Ingeus adviser is doing this on purpose. She looked so snarky when she booked me in for four 2 hour long job searching appointments and now I don't have to go to them, she's ****ed off and wasting everyone's time to try and get back at me.
  7. Kxo


    Also got my third letter in from DWP regarding missed Ingeus appointments. One dated 22.02.16, another 24.02.16 and the most recent 25.02.16. I have replied in writing twice and also phoned on the number provided to clear this up, but I'm guessing that every time I get a red flag cleared from my file, my Ingeus adviser reports me again and another pops up on the DWP system. I did tell the woman on the phone that I had filled in the JSA28 form and she looked at my record/file and was happy to remove the report from Ingeus, but if it's so easily seen when they look me up, why can't they do that before sending me letters/text messages telling me that I need to contact them ASAP or my benefit will be affected. I suppose I'll just need to speak with someone in the job centre when I go to hand in a duplicate fit note on Monday. Hopefully it'll put an end to this.
  8. Kxo


    I didn't know you could do that, I'll be asking for that from now on!
  9. Kxo


    Turns out the Job Centre "misplaced" my last insurance line/fit note, thought I just decided not to hand another in and didn't think to pick up the phone or send a letter to see what was going on. They're claiming they never received it and have only paid me up until the 18th of this month. I personally handed the thing to them last Thursday. Idiots
  10. Kxo


    Got a second letter in today from DWP regarding a missed Ingeus appointment. Yesterday's letter was dated 22.02.16 but I already sorted that over the phone on the 23rd so it didn't matter, but today's letter was dated 24.02.16 which was only yesterday. My Ingeus adviser is still reporting me for missing appointments that I was told I didn't need to go to
  11. Kxo


    Got my letter in from the DWP this morning and was sent another text message regarding my claim. The letter said: "A doubt has arisen on your entitlement to Jobseeker's Allowance because it appears that you have failed to take part in the Work Programme by failing to undertake the activity that Ingeus have told you to do... We have been told that on 28.1.16 you were notified to attend an appointment on 15.2.16 but that you failed to do so. Will you please contact me at the above address before 29.2.16 to explain why you did not undertake this activity. You should note that unless you can provide a good reason for not undertaking this activity, your benefit may be affected." So I phoned the number, again, and the man said there's nothing on my file. So this letter and text was regarding the same incident, even though I already cleared it up with them yesterday. Along with that letter came one from Ingeus, saying my next appointment with my adviser will be on 4.3.16. I get that the text messages are pre-programmed into their systems to remind me of appointments that were already made a month ago, but now she's sending me new ones, knowing full well that I won't be attending them because I filled out the JSA28 form.
  12. Kxo


    So about 3 weeks ago I posted here saying I'd filled out a JSA28 form that gives me up to 13 weeks without having to go to Ingeus as long as I keep handing in Doctor's notes. This was on the 3rd of February and I got a text message yesterday from the DWP saying I'd to call a number regarding my claim. I got through to them this morning and they said my Ingeus adviser reported me for missing my appointment on the 22nd of February - keeping in mind my JC adviser already notified them on the 4th and I phoned them that day and left a message explaining the situation. I told the woman on the phone about the whole JSA28 situation and she checked their system and cleared the report from Ingeus from my file. I knew my adviser was a b**** but this is just ridiculous. I've also received text messages reminding me of my appointments (that I no longer have to go to) and have had messages saying "This is ____ please contact me as to why you're not attending your appointments." like she knows because she has been officially informed by the Job Centre and I told her in the message I left on her voicemail. I know she just wants to stick her nose in my business.
  13. Kxo


    I don't text her at all, which is why the message was weird for me to get. They asked for my number so their automated computer thingy can remind me of my appointment the night before, but this was worded differently, like it was a personal text message. "Hi _____. I've tried contacting you about your missed appointment today but haven't been able to reach you." then signed her name at the end. I left my message at 1pm and she waits until 5:24pm (6 minutes before they close) to get back to me. What a mess.
  14. Kxo


    I came home to find 2 missed calls and a text message from my Ingeus adviser saying she had tried to get in contact with me. I left a message with her at 1pm today, explaining that I'd gotten the "fit note" from my GP and that I wouldn't be able to attend my job searching appointment because I was going to the job centre to hand it in and speak to an adviser. They're closed now, so I can't phone back, but I assume I'll be bombarded with calls/texts tomorrow, so, my question is, what do I say? Is she entitled to any more information than I already gave her in my message?
  15. Kxo


    Thank you! I did phone Ingeus today to say I wouldn't be in for my job searching appointment because I had to go to the job centre, but she wasn't there so I left a message. The lady from the job centre said she would send them an email to formally make them aware of the situation, so hopefully they leave me alone for a while
  16. Kxo


    Hi, just a quick update - I went to the job centre today and spoke to an adviser. I filled out a JSA28 form and, as long as I keep handing in fit notes from my GP, I can remain on JSA without having to sign on or go to Ingeus for up to 13 weeks.
  17. Kxo


    My mum stopped in to the job centre on her way home from work today and asked about all of this. Someone said that if it's short term (up to 13 weeks) I can continue on JSA and not attend Ingeus. I'm not sure if this is the case or if something got lost in translation.
  18. Kxo


    Thank you for your help In regards to my Ingeus appointments that have already been scheduled (11th, 15th, 19th and 22nd) do I just phone my adviser and update her on the situation; is she entitled to this information? As proven in the past, I have given more information than I should have
  19. Kxo


    I have been on ESA before and failed the WCA. I think I only got 6 points? But if I'm only on ESA temporarily, will this still be an issue? I've tried to find more info on it but I'm not having any luck. If I switch from ESA back to JSA before I'm summoned for the WCA, will it be allowed? (Again, sorry for all the questions. I have no clue)
  20. Kxo


    Don't know what happened to maryshell's rude comment, but it came through on my email so I'll reply to it to set the record straight. [Quoted text deleted by site team] I don't believe that having vitamin injections is a reason to not get a job. My B12 deficiency is, as it turns out, quite severe and is causing exhaustion to the point where I'm sleeping for 12 or more hours a night and still waking up not having the energy to do anything. It, I believe, has been adding to my already existing depression and causing dizziness, confusion etc. I can't get a job, working on my feet for 8 hours, when I can barely walk my dog for 20 minutes. The injections aren't helping at the moment and Ingeus is never off my back, that's why I'm considering handing in the "fit note" and going on ESA for a few weeks/months until I feel that I am able to put 100% into any job that comes my way. There's no point in me actively seeking work if I can't physically/mentally do the job at the moment. It's a waste of my time and any potential employer's time.
  21. Kxo


    I had an appointment with my GP today and she was asking how my B12 injections were going, if there was any improvement etc. I said no, explained a bit further and she asked if I'd been taking time off work because of it. She's new so I'm assuming she didn't know that I am on JSA, but I told her and she basically asked whether they were being difficult or not. I told her about Ingeus and how they're still trying to make me go to these 10am - 4pm workshops and travel to them just to use their computers to job search. She printed a Fit Note (is that what it's called?) saying I'm not currently fit for work. My dilemma is whether or not to hand it in to the Job Centre. If I hand it in, I'll be on ESA and then whenever I feel better I'll have to go back onto JSA and restart this Ingeus thing all over again. Is that right? If you are on ESA, do you still have to go to Ingeus?
  22. Kxo


    Thank you for your help, Lapsed Workaholic!
  23. Kxo


    I did sign something about Data Protection a long time ago. It wasn't really explained to me, they just said I had to sign it. As for my CV, when I first went to Ingeus, she asked if I had a CV, I said that I did because one of my previous advisers helped me with it and she asked to see it. I emailed it to her and she fixed parts of it for me (my last adviser literally put a link to the job centre website at the bottom of my personal statement) and she's had it on file since, I suppose. I did tell her that I didn't think I was supposed to give out my UJM login info. She said she needed to see it for proof that I was actually job searching, even though the job centre check it every time I sign on. I typed in my info, didn't give her the password. She looked at my activity history and kept saying "so, you can just write anything in here and we have to trust that you're not lying" and I told her that, if you could apply for a job via CV from the UJM website, then it comes up in your application history. She didn't seem impressed. *I haven't given her any access to my UJM since this one incident* Fast forward a week or so, I go back and she asks what jobs I've applied for. I tell her that I saw some jobs on Indeed and applied by emailing my CV to them and she's like "so there will be proof of this on your email account?" and I stonewalled. I think she's probably going to start harassing me so that she can have access to my email to check what I've sent. That's not allowed either, I'm guessing. I think with the UJM login info, she took advantage of the fact that I was nervous and would comply with just about anything to get the appointment by with. She makes it so difficult. I haven't yet made a complaint. I don't know what I'd say, to be honest. I did phone my GP yesterday and she said they absolutely cannot put their appointments above medical ones and should never ask you to work around them and change things for them.
  24. Kxo


    Don't worry, I'm never bold enough to make rude remarks to her face. I emailed her about the error and just said, "Hi, I was folding my CVs and cover letters to put into the envelopes and noticed a small typo on the cover letter." and she has been like 50% ruder since then. I hate to think what would happen if I actually meant to **** her off.
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