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  1. no he hasn't. Could they really take my car for a debt this small? it comes too work with me during the week so only chance they would have for the car is at weekends However my issue here is not paying the debt come next Thursday i will be in a position to pay the whole amount however my issue is the legitimacy of this stage 2 fee. Can they legally enforce it? Seems Grumpytosaytheleast has already answered this was just curious if anyone had similar circumstance or a way of getting out of this 594 pound fee. Even if i pay it and claim it back later from the bank its not really the point. They just seem so unreasonable regarding this matter. Ok i should have checked my online banking earlier too spot the issue however as soon as i did i called would have thought they could reverse the fee i have paid on time every other month once this arrangement was made
  2. the 594 is whats called a stage 2 fee. Not sure how they get too it understand debt companies make up what their fees are. will check with my bank as soon as i get home too see what went wrong
  3. hey yes im sure he said those words at this stage we were having a heat discussion and to be honest he became quite heated as well when i asked for a manager. I have already made a complaint anyway not sure how far that will get me. So in short there is nothing i can do on this? IM not sure if he was wearing a camera as i was not home when he called unfortunately. Do you think i should ask them too prove he was actually at the address in order to enforce stage 2 fee? or is the stage 2 automatically enforced when i defaulted? Calling my bank once i leave work in order to see what went wrong as if they are at fault is there any chance i could get them to reimburse me for the 594 pound stage 2 fee if sufficient funds were in my account at the time?
  4. thanks for the responses so far. Grumpytosaytheleast. I definately do not have a letter from them they also confirmed to me on the phone they did not need to send a default letter. That they tried to call yesterday (i had no missed calls) and sent a text message (again nothing recd).
  5. I believe originally i did yes however im now back at work and cannot confirm 100%. The last letter i had was a letter from this Mr Hates stating a compliance fee of 90 pounds and a stage 1 fee of 228 pounds giving the total as per what i mentioned above 1144. I then called and arranged this payment plan 1st of each month 150 pounds via direct debit. So far if i make the payment shortly for 150 i will have paid a total of 750 pounds back Today the letter just states he visited again and added stage 2 fee which when i called them was advised is 594 pounds
  6. Good afternoon, a few months ago i received a letter from a company called Marston Group enforcing a High Court Writ on behalf of Eon Energy. The total is 1144.00. Since August this year i have paid 150 pounds per month to clear the balance which we both agreed this month the direct debit did not go through (still need to speak too my bank however sick of sitting on hold today). There was sufficient cash in my bank as far as i'm aware and still is now. Today i called Marston as i received a letter from a Mr Hates (their door step agent) stating they had enforced a stage 2 fee 594 pounds!!!! I tried too explain that there seems to be an issue with my bank and im actually calling to pay the 150. Too which they said oh great however you will still owe 1000 odd pounds. I asked politely if they could reverse the charge as im only a week late and its not like im saying i can't pay. Surprise surprise they said no. After discussing with the guy for a couple more minutes trying too explain my situation the fact that im finally getting my head above water he turned around and said we don't care how do you think we make a profit? I then asked too speak too a manager who couldnt help. I am going too call again shortly as i was too wound up by the end of the call i just hung up. IF i pay the 150 shortly i should have paid this month and next week too clear the balance i feel i owe i.e. minus the 594 charges for stage 2 too the court instead of Marston and get a reciept from the court showing that the balance is in fact paid (i'm not even sure this is possible). Could Marston still enforce this stage 2?? i am due a sizeable bonus at LAST next week however i do not feel i should part with 594 pounds. I just feel this is comepletely unfair and they are preying on the vulnerable. They tried to say they called and sent me a text yesterday i have not recd a missed call nor an sms as i would have reacted like i did when i saw the letter today. There was no mention of them adding stage 2 apart from according to them when they first sent me the original letter. (Need to dig it out). Should they have sent another letter before sending the guy today and enforicing this stage 2 fee? Sorry for such a long original post but as you can imagine im livid. Any help/ advice welcome. Thanks!
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