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Everything posted by JamesC71

  1. JamesC71


    Date commenced DEC 2014 Approx balance £552 LAST FULL payment APRIL 2015 agreed arrangement - £1 payment agreed for NOV, DEC, 2015, JAN 2016 NOT SURE IF DEFAULTED - do not appear to have default notice DCA MOORCROFT (no notice of assignment received) History: April 2015 - last full payment made 30.8.15 - let confirming acc has been referred to "Argos Recovery Services, a specialist Debt Collection team" 8.9.15 - let sent to Argos requesting 30 days hold of action and interest freeze 11.9.15 - let from Argos - "notice of intended recovery action". Threatening "may be passed to recovery specialist", "legal action may be taken to obtain County Court or Sherriff Court Judg so that enforcement activity can be taken", and adding admin charge of £12 to account for the sending of letter 23.9.15 - let from Argos FRS acknowledging letter of 8.9.15, requesting Income and Expend and and offer of payment 8.10.15 - let sent to Argos FRS with Income + Exp and offering £1 per month for next three months 20.10.15 - let from ARgos FRC agreeding to £1 per month for Nov 2015, Dec 2015 and Jan 2015 - first 2 payments made, 3rd scheduled. 5.12.15 - first letter from Moorcroft 9.12.15 - let sent to Moorcroft requesting confirmation of any purchase/assisgnment, copy of original contract and accounting, requesting written comms only. 8.1.16 - let received from Moorcroft with statement and agreement. No confirmation of assignment. can anyone advise if attached agreement is legitimate / enforceable??? MOORCRPFTARGOSSCAN20160108.pdf
  2. OK, so should I send a letter to them asking for clarification. i.e. to establish that they are simply being pedantic but to confirm they have received a payment of £3. Irrespective of whether or not the payment was made in the way agreed, they surely still have to acknowledge any payment made towards the account if asked?
  3. Good point DX, but surely it's not exactly rocket science....
  4. PERSONAL UNSECURED LOAN COMMENCED NOV 2010 BALANCE £1695 LAST FULL PAYMENT FEB 2015 AGREED INTERIM NOMINAL PAYMENTS £1pm FOR NOV, DEC 2015, JAN 2016. PAYMENT OF £3 MADE IN NOV 2015 to cover 3x £1 PAYMENTS ACCOUNT DEFAULTED MAY 2015 12 May 2015` Default notice received 25 July 2015 Another default notice received with new date!! 27 May 2015 Requested 30 days hold on account, freeze interest 9 Sept 2015 Offered nominal payment of £1pm for Oct, Nov and Dec 16 Sept 2015 Received letter from Tesco accepting 3x £1 offer Oct 2015 Cheque sent and cashed for £3 to cover 3x £1. Cleared bank account. 9 Dec 2015 letter to tesco offering further six months at £1pm 11 Dec 2015 Letter from tesco received (written 7 Dec) "we've yet to receive your payment of £1. this means the conditions of your current repayment plan have not been met and the arrangement is now broken" 11 Dec 2015 letter sent to tesco - reiterating that £3 has been paid and cleared, insisting they retract accusations of non payment and non-compliance with agreement and provide written acknowledgement of payment of £3 14 DEc 2015 Reminder that account remains unpaid and that unless I ma able to agree acceptable payment plan, will be passed to DCA, blah, blah. Please advise how I should proceed with this, as they are failing to acknowledge that payment has actually been made in accordance with interim agreement. Am I correct in assuming that this brings the account in DISPUTE and while in dispute they cannot pass to DCA. How should I respond?
  5. Received attached letter from Virgin announcing transfer of £3488 CC debt to Arrow Global. Included in same envelope was introductory letter from Arrow, requesting I make contact with Moorcroft who are now apparently "managing" my account. Also have had couple of missed calls from Arrow to my mobile over last couple of days. I intend to request contact by written letter only. Original account was with Virgin partner MBNA (under Virgin brand), transferred to Virgin itself last year. Original account opened Oct 2008. Last payment made 13 Apr. Last contact with Virgin I made was Sept 2015 requesting holding period of 30 days. Would appreciate any advice on best way to deal. Do I respond to Arrow or Moorcroft? My personal situation is: Currently on low income of £670pm following business failure earlier this year. Not expected to regain a full liveable wage for 6-9 months. Most other creditors currently accepting £1 per month nominal payment. I'm accepting of the fact that I will at some point probably need to enter into an installment plan, but am looking to "buy time" in the interim / delay the process if possible. Ceased paying all loans and CCs around March/April 2015. Balances as follows: Post Office Credit Card £4500 HBOS C Card £2100 New Day C Card £2100 Barclaycard £3600 Virgin CC £3500 Capitol One CC £4200 Barclaycard £4900 Tesco Loan £1700 Argos Card £495. Santander Directors Personal Guarantee (Ltd co. bank account) £2450 Utility Warehouse £420 Am homeowner with approx £17k personal equity, after mortage / sec loan / sec OD / wife's share of equity. Mortgage and secured loans being paid as per normal.
  6. Just came across this post, and acknowledge that it was originally posted in 2008. I wondered does this still hold true in 2015, some 7 years on from the OP? Does anyone know have Barclays changed their way of working since then, is so how?
  7. Most of the accounts were opened between 2008 and 2010. Unfortunately don't have all original agreements and only past years statements. I think one of the Barclaycards was an ex-Egg account which may be a few years earlier. Quite a few late payment and over limit fees on most accounts. No PPI. Hope this helps.
  8. Have a defaulted credit card account with Cap One (£4200 balance) which I have not paid since around Feb 2015. Usual story - business failure, loss of income for several months, currently on low income (£670 per month), etc, etc. In Sept 2015 Cap One wrote to say the debt would now be handled by Credit Solutions, Purley. Received letter from them. Informed them would deal only in writing. Offered token payment of £1 per month consistent with what I am paying all other CC creditors (who all accepted). No reply from CS. In Nov 2015 Cap One wrote to say debt would now be handled by Fredrickson. After a week of attempted phone contact (no answers obviously), have just received first letter from them, reasonably tame. I'm unsure as to which way to go with this debt and all the other CCs etc. Firstly I am not worried about protecting my credit rating here - it is shot already and no doubt will remain so for a few years no matter which route I take, so that is not a deciding factor here. I also have no intentions of taking any credit again. For the record my full list of debts are: Post Office Credit Card £4500 * HBOS C Card £2100 * New Day C Card £2100 * Barclaycard £3600 * Virgin CC £3500 * Capitol One CC £4200 Barclaycard £4900 * Tesco Loan £1700 * Argos Card £495. * Santander Personal Guarantee (former Ltd co. bank account) £2450 Utility Warehouse £420 Of the above all marked * are on 3-month agreed token payments of £1 per month. This agreement expires Jan 2016. Utility Warehouse have passed to Churchill Recovery, who have also been offered £1 per month but failed to respond to letter offering this (they just persist at phone attempts to contact, despite me requesting all contact in writing - they also threatened doorstep visit, my response was to inform them that they were not permitted to set foot on my pathway and if ignoring such an instruction they would be trespassing and police would be called - they have not shown up as yet). A couple of debts have already been declared defaulted. My income is presently £670 per month which doesn't even cover essentials, with my wife paying a greater share of these. It is likely that this may increase to £1200-£1500pm, but this will not be until at least 6 months (building new business). I'm kind of torn between the following courses of action. 1) In Jan 2016 offer all creditors a further £1 per month for 6 months. Then should income increase attempt to freeze interest and agree an affordable repayment plan - i.e. pay back honestly! 2) Go Bankrupt. Not ideal. My key objective through all this would be to retain family home. After mortgage, secured loan and secured bank OD, I have approx £20k of personal equity, which my wife could possibly purchase, though funding this would be a struggle. So while an immediate solution to the backlog of debts, still a bit of a chancer as far as the house goes. 3) Do nothing, let all accounts default and see what happens. I made my previous token payment offers prior to discovering this and other forums. I'm intrigued to have since read that so many debts are not followed through to court level once passed to a DCA and never get recovered / no action taken. Is it really THAT easy? Do the DCAs really just go away once they can see blood cannot be extracted from stone? Any advice on which way to go with this collective of debts overall? Also how should I handle the letter from Fred ref Cap One? Ignore? Make Token Offer? Other response? Any help appreciated. Cheers James
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