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Everything posted by petertheheater

  1. Thank you again for your help. I suppose I will have to contact a solicitor who specialises in bankruptcy law, can you or anyone recommend one for me?
  2. Thank you Ruleoflaw, I was a sole trader, so it was "my name" trading as " trade name". Only my first initial and surname was on the register and also separately my trading name. I have never received any paperwork or information pertaining to the original bankruptcy, how can I find this out (court papers etc ?) Thanks
  3. Thank you,sorry for late reply, I have a private pension with the Prudential, I am not sure how they have my pension I assume it was before the law changed in early 00,s. I will contact that number on Monday morning. Thanks Again Peter
  4. When I was informed about my bankruptcy I checked the insolvency register but could not find it but I did find my trading name at the time. I have since found out that they did not have my full name or my date of birth.
  5. My bankruptcy discharge was suspended indefinitely because I did not cooperate with the or,how could I as I did not know. I was not served with any notice. I have been told that one company filed for my bankruptcy for the amount of approx 10,000 and there are to other debtors for 4600 and 300.
  6. Hello. I was made bankrupt in December 1998, I was not aware of this until a couple of years ago whilst enquiring about my pension and they told me about my bankruptcy. I have recently been in touch with the Official receiver and have completed my telephone interview, they have written to the courts and confirm that my bankruptcy will end in 1 years time even though my order at the time came under the 3 year rule. They inform me that my pension still forms part of my original debt and that I will not be able to access this. My question is, can I appeal or do anything to get my pension back, it is only worth about 25,000 pound but it is a lot to me as I am on disability payments for a terminal lung disease. I left the UK in 1997 and currently live in Ireland but I have family in London. Can anyone advise me on this or put me in touch with a solicitor (who doesn't charge 200 per hour) Thanks
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