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Everything posted by Thursday101

  1. No I refused to sign and told him so by email. The Company signed theirs but this was not witnessed
  2. Please see attachments below/ Any help would be appreciated as I am being bombarded at the moment by this guy...
  3. Hi, I took your advice and blocked out the names. Can you Change my name on here please. Many thanks P
  4. Hello ok you can change my name if you like. I thought I had taken the names off. I can't change this now until Monday but thanks for letting me know.
  5. Hello Guys I hope you can help me. In June I started working for an Accountant on a self employed basis. Each week I would send over my hours/invoice, he would raise an invoice to client and once it was paid, so would I be. The problem arose due to the fact that this Accountant is the most obnoxious, patronising and rude person I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Not only did he continually harass me by bombarding me with text messages, emails etc. He was also always rude to the client which put me in a difficult position. I work for other accountants quite happily and they did not want half the stuff that he kept asking me for. In the end I told him by email that I would not sign his contract and that once it finished (when the Director who signed it left in November) I did not want to work with him anymore. I was approached by the actual owner of the Company who said that he would like me work with the new director and on his other companies on a self employed basis directly. The other accountant was informed and has threatened them with legal action of a "finders fee" on 15% up to 35K or 17.50% over 35K. My understanding was that finders fees were only due if someone was taken on in "employment". Also I have looked at the Companies Contract with him (which I have attached) and it does not say anything in their contract regarding a finders fee. I have also attached a copy of my contract which I told him I would not sign and although it mentions a "possible" finders fee in my contract, surely it would have to mention that also in the Company contract. This chap is threatening legal action and I getting quite stressed out. Can someone please have a look and let me know if he has a leg to stand on. Many thanks
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