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  1. I am not very good on things like this i have managed to borrow the £20 i will have it Friday so i will call moon beever and pay the payment for the 29th October even though it wasn't my fault the letter arrived late i don't want bailiffs at my door
  2. The total cost of the debt is £730 the first i knew about it was when i got the court letter i think it is for capital credit i did have a few payday loans a good few years back but i thought they were all payed off. If it would be better to borrow the £20 to pay the first installment which would of been the 29th October 2015 if the letter had come earlier instead of bailiffs coming i am willing to do this
  3. Hi I am looking for a bit of advice if someone could help i would be grateful I got a letter from county court northampton saying that moon beever had issued a claim against me i filled in the form saying i could afford £20 per month i never received a reply from the court got a letter saying the offer was acceptable and that i had to pay in full i contacted the court asking why i had to pay in full when i was told £20 per month was acceptable. Today i got a letter saying it was an error and my first payment should reach the claimaint by the 29th October 2015 i rang the court stating i had just received the letter and the payment date had passed. the court advised to contact moon beever and asked to reset the payment plan to the end of november i did this explaining eveything This is the email i got from moon beever Thank you for your email dated 4th November 2015. We have updated our records to expect your first payment of £20.00 on 25th November 2015. Please note that our client has requested for a warrant of control to be enforced as no communication was received from you. The warrant will be suspended on receipt of your first payment. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries. Does this mean i will get a visit from bailiffs and would it be best if i try and borrow the £20 to pay them I am worried sick i have my elderly parents staying with me and i am out a few days a week at work
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