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  1. Hi there, I wonder if someone could give me some advice on what to do about my neighbour downstairs. We privately rent our flat and he is a council tenant. Since we moved in a couple of months ago he's made our life an absolute misery and complained about every sound we make. He's even started complaining that he can hear my partner and I having sex at all hours of the day and night and has accused both of us of having multiple partners up for 'sex parties', even at times when both of us are out at work! (we both work full-time Monday-Friday). We are both exceptionally quiet people having experienced student halls and the noise that comes with living alongside students (should note we are now well passed the student stage). We never wear shoes in the house, we always wear headphones if we're listening to music, the TV is never loud and neither of us are loud in bed (we're surprised he realised there were people living in the house because we're so quiet). We live in a block of six flats and obviously you can expect to hear people going about their daily life and there's plenty of noises we hear (washing machines, kids running around, people talking etc), but it has got to the point where we can't speak any louder than a whisper without our neighbour complaining at length when we, as well as other neighbours we've spoken to, don't feel we're making excessive noise, and are especially quiet after 10pm. We have had to call the police out on one occasion when he was having a very violent fight in the communal stair with two teenagers which resulted in one of them being taken into hospital. He is known to have a history of alcoholism and violence and has made it clear to us that he tried to have the previous tenants evicted for the same reasons (they were loud and he could hear them having sex) and is very passive aggressive in nature so neither myself or my partner feel we can approach him ourselves. He's told us he's made a noise complaint to Edinburgh Council which was regarding a period of time when neither of us were in the flat. We have not been contacted so I am assuming this is an empty threat but we really feel he is continually harassing us about 'nuisance noise' when we're going about our every day lives in a quiet fashion just like everyone else in the block! It has gotten to the point where we've contacted the council ourselves to inform them of what we're going through because we can't even walk in or out of our house without being yelled at by this extremely aggressive individual. Our landlord is also aware of the situation. Has anyone got any advice on anything else we should do, other than move? I'm not one to concede defeat on something like this but I'm starting to run out of ideas! Thanks
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